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What is the hardest question in Trivial Pursuit?

What is the hardest question in Trivial Pursuit?

12 Of The Hardest Trivial Pursuit Questions Of All Time

  1. Who was the official hair consultant to the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics?
  2. What is the scientific name for a rabbit’s tail?
  3. Who played bass guitar for The Beatles only for the group’s four appearances in December, 1960?

What kind of questions are in Trivial Pursuit?

Questions are split into six categories, with each one having its own colour to readily identify itself; in the classic version of Trivial Pursuit, these are Geography (blue), Entertainment (pink), History (yellow), Arts &Literature (originally brown, later purple), Science & Nature (green), and Sports & Leisure ( …

Does Trivial Pursuit Classic Edition have updated questions?

I do like that they have updated the questions to reflect the current period while still having questions from the older sets allowing this to be a generational game.

How many questions are in Trivial Pursuit live?

Answer 50 questions correctly in the Entertainment category. See Around the World in 80 Plays.

What are some good trivia topics?

Browse this list of all the trivia categories (including picture and audio trivia) that we offer on Trivia Packs.

  • AUDIO: Movie Themes Fun (Movie Scores/Themes Trivia)
  • AUDIO: Movie Scores Party (Movie Theme Music Trivia)
  • 10 Letter TV Shows from 10 Word Clues (Fun TV Trivia)
  • Musical Math (Numbers in Music Trivia)

What are some good general knowledge questions?

GK Questions

  • Who is the Father of our Nation?
  • Who was the first President of India?
  • Who is known as Father of Indian Constitution?
  • Which is the most sensitive organ in our body?
  • Giddha is the folk dance of?
  • Who was the first Prime Minister of India?
  • Which is the heavier metal of these two?
  • Who invented Computer?

What is a wedge question Trivial Pursuit?

There are six spaces around the board with a picture of a large colored wedge. If you answer a question correctly when you land on a wedge space, place a matching-colored scoring wedge into your scoring token! Don’t forget to move your track pawn! Then roll the die and take another turn.

Does Trivial Pursuit have new questions?

After several games you’ll be going through the same questions. I do like that they have updated the questions to reflect the current period while still having questions from the older sets allowing this to be a generational game.

What is the most updated version of Trivial Pursuit?

Trivial Pursuit: 6th Edition.

Why is it called Trivial Pursuit?

The name of the game Trivial Pursuit plays on this sense of trivial—a trivial pursuit is something for which one takes an interest but is ultimately inconsequential.

Is there an online version of Trivial Pursuit?

Currently, Trivial Pursuit Live! is the only officially licensed way to play Trivial Pursuit in any online setting. Gameloft and Hasbro (the publisher of Scrabble) developed a mobile version of the game, Trivial Pursuit & Friends, in 2015. It was available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

What is Trivial Pursuit and how to play?

Trivial Pursuit is a trivia game where players must correctly answer at least one question in each category to win. The questions come in six categories: arts & literature, entertainment, geography, history, science & nature, and sports & leisure. The purpose of playing the game is to inspire teamwork and highlight each players’ areas of expertise.

Why is Trivial Pursuit’s new category pink?

To include a Wild Card category, the makers of Trivial Pursuit combined Entertainment with Arts & Literature to create the category Arts & Entertainment, which is now the “pink” category. Confused yet? You’re not alone. When the categories changed and the colors shifted, fans of the game complained.

What is literature trivia?

It includes poetry, stories, and other such works of a creative nature. Trivia questions are fun, but they can also be educational. Our Literature Trivia collection will test your knowledge of all things literary. We begin with Classic Literature Trivia, probably your favorite if you were a lit major in college.

What are some interesting trivia questions about children’s literature?

These literature trivia questions will provide such type of new information on children’s literature. It emphasis particularly on the stories, poems, books for children. 41. Who wrote the book for children ‘Where the Wild Things Are’? 42. What thing was focused in the successful children’s story ‘The Snowy Day’?