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What is the function of repetitive sequences in DNA?

What is the function of repetitive sequences in DNA?

Generic repeated signals in the DNA are necessary to format expression of unique coding sequence files and to organise additional functions essential for genome replication and accurate transmission to progeny cells.

What are repetitive genes?

Repeated sequences (also known as repetitive elements, repeating units or repeats) are patterns of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) that occur in multiple copies throughout the genome. Repetitive DNA was first detected because of its rapid re-association kinetics.

What are some ethical implications of epigenetics?

A key implication of epigenetics research is that many environmental and hazardous exposures will affect not only the exposed individuals, but possibly their progeny and subsequent generations. This insight will create new challenges for environmental and health regulation, as well as for intergenerational equity.

Which repetitive DNA is considered as junk DNA or selfish DNA?

Transposable elements are often termed selfish DNA because they are parasitic DNA sequences that inhabit a host genome. Over time, many copies of selfish DNA are inactivated by mutations and deletions, leaving DNA remnants called junk DNA.

What are repetitive DNA sequences called?

satellite DNA
Repetitive DNA can be divided into two classes: the tandem repetitive sequences (known as satellite DNA) and the interspersed repeats. The term satellite is used to describe DNA sequences that comprise short head-to-tail tandem repeats incorporating specific motifs.

What is highly repetitive DNA sequence?

Two main kinds of highly repetitive sequences are known in mammalian genomes: interspersed DNA, in which the repeated DNA sequences are dispersed throughout the genome; and satellite DNA which is characterised by long tandem arrays and consistent association with constitutive heterochromatin (Singer, 1982).

What is an example of repetitive DNA?

Solution : DNA mini-satellite is an example of highly repetitive DNA.

Why is epigenetics so controversial?

Controversial Conclusions Epigenetics has generated buzz recently because it seems to offer a way for our life experiences to modify our genetic inheritance, and therefore alter our genetic “fate.” What we experience in the womb or early life may affect our risk of disease many years later, for instance.

What are some benefits of applying epigenetic knowledge to social justice issues?

In conclusion, knowledge of epigenetic mechanisms may increase our ability to achieve (luck-egalitarian) equality of opportunity, by unraveling the mechanism through which the health prospects of a population are affected by the unequal choices and circumstances of their parents.

What is junk or noncoding DNA?

In genetics, the term junk DNA refers to regions of DNA that are noncoding. DNA contains instructions (coding) that are used to create proteins in the cell. However, the amount of DNA contained inside each cell is vast and not all of the genetic sequences present within a DNA molecule actually code for a protein.

What are the three types of repetitive sequences found in the eukaryotes?

Repetitive DNA sequences are a major component of eukaryotic genomes and may account for up to 90% of the genome size. They can be divided into minisatellite, microsatellite and satellite sequences.

What are the two main types of repetitive sequences?

Repetitive DNA can be divided into two classes: the tandem repetitive sequences (known as satellite DNA) and the interspersed repeats.

What is a repetitive DNA sequence?

Repetitive DNA sequences are abundant in a broad range of species, from bacteria to mammals, and they cover nearly half of the human genome. Repeats have always presented technical challenges for sequence alignment and assembly programs.

How are repetitive DNA sequences recognized at telomeres?

In yeast, for example, repetitive DNA sequences found at the telomeres are recognized by the DNA-binding protein Rap1, which interacts with components of the heterochromatin machinery and ensures localization at the nuclear periphery.

Why do repetitive DNA sequences exhibit a high degree of polymorphism?

These sequences exhibit a high degree of polymorphism as a result of variations in their number of repeats which causes mutations and thus affects several mechanisms in proper functioning of a body. Repetitive DNA is generally defined as the sequence of DNA which are repeated in a genome.

Why is repetitive DNA so hard to sequence?

Repetitive DNA is hard to sequence using next-generation sequencing techniques: sequence assembly from short reads simply cannot determine the length of a repetitive part. This issue is particularly serious for microsatellites, which are made of tiny 1-6bp repeat units.