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What is the formula for the area of a sector of a circle?

What is the formula for the area of a sector of a circle?

The formula for the area of the sector of a circle is 𝜃/360o (𝜋r2) where r is the radius of the circle and 𝜃 is the angle of the sector.

How do you find the area of a sector step by step?

To calculate the area of a sector, start by finding the central angle of the sector and dividing it by 360. Next, take the radius, or length of one of the lines, square it, and multiply it by 3.14. Then, multiply the two numbers to get the area of the sector.

How do you calculate the area of a circular column?

Finding the Surface Area of a Cylinder – Real World In the video lesson, we learned a formula for finding the surface area of a cylinder A = 2 π r(r + h) where r is the radius of the circular ends of the cylinder and h is the height of the cylinder.

What is the formula for finding the area of an arc?

How to find the length of an arc and sector area: an example

  1. Decide on the radius of your circle.
  2. What will be the angle between the ends of the arc?
  3. Calculate the arc length according to the formula above: L = r * θ = 15 * π/4 = 11.78 cm .
  4. Calculate the area of a sector: A = r² * θ / 2 = 15² * π/4 / 2 = 88.36 cm² .

How do you find the area of a sector with radius and arc length?

We first find the sector angle by substituting the given values of the arc length and radius in the formula, Length of Arc = (θ/360) × 2πr. After calculating the angle, we can easily find the area of the sector with the formula, Area of a Sector of a Circle = (θ/360º) × πr2.

What is the sum of the areas of circle C and circle D?

The formula for the area of a circle is A = πr2, where r is the radius of the circle. So the sum of the areas of circle C and circle D = 2 (49π) = 98π cm2.

What is the formula for calculating circular column of concrete?

Calculating the top surface area and multiplying it with the depth or height of the column.

  1. Volume of Concrete = 0.6×0.4×3= 0.72m3
  2. Volume of Circular column = πr2 x 3 = 3.14 x 0.252 x3 = 0.58m3
  3. Volume of concrete = 1.2x1x0.1 = 0.12m3 Total volume of concrete required for footing= 0.32+0.12=0.44m3

What is the area of sector of a circle whose radius R and length of arc is L?

area = 2πlr.

What is the area of a sector of a circle of radius 5cm and its angle is 96?

Answer. The area of a circle of 5 cm radius = (22/7)*5*5 = 550/7 cm.. The area of a sector of the circle with an angle of 96 deg. = (96/360)*(550/7) = 20.95 sq cm.

How do you calculate the area of a sector?

Area of a sector formula. The formula for the area of a sector is (angle / 360) x π x radius2. The figure below illustrates the measurement: As you can easily see, it is quite similar to that of a circle, but modified to account for the fact that a sector is just a part of a circle. Measuring the diameter is easier in many practical situations, so another convenient way to write the formula is (angle / 360) x π x (diameter / 2)2.

What is the formula for area of a sector?

The area of a sector of circle is the fractional area of the circle.

  • The area of a sector of circle with radius r is given by Area = (θ/360º) × π r 2
  • The arc length of the sector of radius r is given by Arc Length of a Sector = r × θ
  • What is the formula for area of circle sector?

    You can also find the area of a sector from its radius and its arc length. The formula for area, A A, of a circle with radius, r, and arc length, L L, is: A = (r × L) 2 A = (r × L) 2 Here is a three-tier birthday cake 6 6 inches tall with a diameter of 10 10 inches.

    How do you calculate the perimeter of a sector?

    – A circular sector is the portion of a disk enclosed by two radii and an arc. – A sector divides the circle into two regions, namely Major and Minor Sector. – The smaller area is known as the Minor Sector, whereas the region having a greater area is known as Major Sector.