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What is the formula for Nper?

What is the formula for Nper?


Data Description
1 Payment is due at the beginning of the period (see above)
Formula Description
=NPER(A2/12, A3, A4, A5, 1) Periods for the investment with the above terms
=NPER(A2/12, A3, A4, A5) Periods for the investment with the above terms, except payments are made at the beginning of the period

What is the Nper parameter?

Calculates the number of loan payment periods, given the periodic payment amount and (fixed) interest rate.

What is the Nper in a PMT function?

Nper is the total number of payments for the loan. Pv is the present value, or the total amount that a series of future payments is worth now; also known as the principal. Fv is the future value, or a cash balance you want to attain after the last payment is made.

What is Nper full form?

NPEF. National Public Education Fund (National Foundation; tobacco litigation settlement)

What is Nper in FV formula?

Nper (required argument) – The total number of payment periods. Pmt (optional argument) – This specifies the payment per period. If we omit this argument, we need to provide the PV argument.

What does B2 C10 mean?

Cells B2:C10 are the entries from column B row 2 in the top left to column C row 10 in the bottom right. This is 2 columns times 9 rows yielding 18 entries. Cell references are most often relative but can also be absolute.

What is PER in PPMT function?

The PPMT function uses the following arguments: Rate (required argument) – This is the interest rate per period. Per (required argument) – A bond’s maturity date, that is, the date when bond expires. Nper (required argument) – The total number of payment periods.

What is Nper in fv formula?

How do you use PMT formula?

  1. Weekly payment: =PMT(8%/52, 3*52, 5000)
  2. Monthly payment: =PMT(8%/12, 3*12, 5000)
  3. Quarterly payment: =PMT(8%/4, 3*4, 5000)
  4. Semi-annual payment: =PMT(8%/2, 3*2, 5000) In all cases, the balance after the last payment is assumed to be $0, and the payments are due at the end of each period.

How do you use future value formula?

FV formula for periodic payments To convert an annual interest rate to a periodic rate, divide the annual rate by the number of periods per year: Monthly payments: rate = annual interest rate / 12. Quarterly payments: rate = annual interest rate / 4. Semiannual payments: rate = annual interest rate / 2.

What do you mean by A3 B13 B20 C7 reference in Excel?

Explanation: (1) Range. A3,B13:B20,C7 reference in Excel is Range . A range is a selected or highlighted group or block of cells in a worksheet. A range can also be defined as a group or block of cell references that are used as an argument for a function, to create a graph, or to bookmark data.