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What is the difference between true and apparent leg length?

What is the difference between true and apparent leg length?

True leg length measurements are made between fixed bony landmarks, from the anterior superior iliac spine to the middle of the lateral and medial malleoli. Apparent leg length inequality is measured from a fixed point in the center of the body, usually the umbilicus, to the middle of the medial and lateral malleoli.

What is the difference between true and false leg length?

A: True leg length is a measure from a point on the pelvis (ASIS) to the ankle and apparent leg length is a measure from the umbilicus to the ankle. The latter is affected by hip abduction or adduction as well as knee and hip flexion.

What are the 3 types of leg length discrepancies?

There are three types of LLD: structural, functional and environmental. The structural or anatomic type is due to a difference in the actual length of the tibia or femur. This may be of congenital, post-trauma or post-surgery etiology as LLD commonly occurs following hip or knee replacement.

How is true LLD measured?

A “direct” measurement using a tape measure can be utilized to measure the “true” leg length from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the medial malleolus. The “apparent” leg length is measured from the umbilicus to the medial malleolus.

How do you know if one leg is longer than the other?

Signs of leg-length discrepancy

  1. problems with posture, such as a tilting shoulder.
  2. walking problems, such as limping or toe-walking.
  3. a knee that’s chronically hyperextended on the short side and flexed on the long side.
  4. pain in the back, hip, knee, or ankle.

Why does my child have one leg longer than the other?

There are many different reasons to have a leg length discrepancy, but there are two main causes: 1) your child was born with a condition that caused one leg to grow slower than the other or 2) something happened during your child’s lifetime that affected the length of the bone (i.e. a fracture) or affected the growth …

How much leg length discrepancy is significant?

Small differences in limb length are common. In fact, as many as a third of the population may have a 1 cm or less (less than ½ inch) discrepancy between their right and left legs. These slight differences are generally not noticeable and don’t require treatment.

What is true LLD?

True leg length discrepancy (TLLD) is defined as the anatomical difference between the lengths of the two limbs between the proximal edge of the femoral head to the distal edge of the tibia which can be congenital or acquired.

What is true leg length?

Which leg hurts with leg length discrepancy?

With leg-length discrepancy, either hip joint can cause pain, and usually both hip joints hurt to some degree. To propel the leg forward, the hip joint must be raised which strains the gluteus medius muscle and the posterior hip ligaments.

What are the signs and symptoms of leg length discrepancies?

Affected posture.

  • Problems with gait (manner of walking) Two different leg lengths can lead to your entire body being off-balance.
  • Your rib cage or hips are forward on one side more than the other.
  • Loss of muscle tone in one leg.
  • Pain in the lower back,hip,ankle or knee.
  • Pain being more severe on one side of the body than the other.
  • What is leg length discrepancy and how is It measured?

    You may wonder how much leg length discrepancy is normal. A difference of 10 – 20mm is considered normal or insignificant by many clinicians.

  • Limb length discrepancy up to 20mm can be passively compensatory.
  • But if it is more than 20mm,active muscular compensatory measures are needed.
  • How to measure and fix a leg length discrepancy?

    – A perpendicular line is dropped from the anterior superior iliac spine onto the bed. – From the tip of the greater trochanter, another perpendicular line is dropped onto the first line. it forms the base of the triangle. – The length of the base [between the greater trochanter and ASIS ] is measured.

    What are possible treatments for leg length discrepancy?

    Leg-shortening surgery. If your child’s leg-length discrepancy is expected to be moderate (between two and six centimeters) when your child reaches adult height,their surgeon may recommend shortening the longer

  • Limb-lengthening surgery.
  • Types of limb-lengthening devices.