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What is the difference between t101 and T-800?

What is the difference between t101 and T-800?

In the first Terminator film, he was mostly called 101, and the model number T-800 was introduced in Terminator 2, but they are actually the same, and without one the other wouldn’t be possible: T-800 is the endoskeleton and 101 is the skin and therefore the physical appearance of the model.

Why is the T-800 so strong?

Its limbs are controlled by axial drive motors and clavicular trailing links, allowing the T-800s to maneuver faster than the T-600 Terminators, as bursts of speed of up to 22 mph[citation needed] no longer threatened the joint assemblies. The T-800 was also 20% lighter and 40% stronger than the T-600.

What is T-800 made of?

The original T-800 is said to have been constructed from a titanium alloy. The first canonical T-800 (The T-RIP from Terminator Salvation) is built from this. However, titanium weakens when exposed to heat exceeding 430 °C (806 °F) therefore later models are built from a coltan-based alloy.

How fast can a T-800 run?

The T-1000 has a top running speed of 40 miles/hour (64.3 km/hour). The Harley Fat Boy that the T-800 rides in Terminator 2 has a top speed of 130.5 miles/hour (210 km/hour).

What model Terminator is Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Cyberdyne Systems Model 101
The Terminator, also known as a Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 or the T-800, is the name of several film characters from the Terminator franchise portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger and numerous actor stand-ins digitally overlaid with Schwarzenegger’s likeness.

How many Terminator timelines are there?

three different timelines
Anyway, there are essentially three different timelines in the Terminator movies.

How heavy is a T-800?

According to Sarah Connor in Dark Fate, the T-800 series Terminator weighs around 400 pounds, but The Sarah Connor Chronicles suggest that the unit is 640 pounds, 20 percent lighter than the T-600 model. Although the weight is unknown, the model is made out of a hyperalloy endoskeleton, with living tissue over it.

How heavy is the T-800?

Which terminators are canon?

As far as official canon goes, only the four films are included (and maybe not even the third and fourth ones, as they don’t really factor into Genisys). So no comics, no video games, no Universal Studios ride, and sadly, no Sarah Connor Chronicles.

How long does it take to replace a T103 clock?

In any case, if you are reasonably handy you can replace the clock module in 15-20 minutes — a couple screws and a couple wires, no big deal. If the clock is your problem, there is no need to replace the entire T103 unit, and this clock will do the trick. The timer motor in my irrigation control box failed.

What is the difference between T-800 and 101 in Terminator?

In the first Terminator film, he was mostly called 101, and the model number T-800 was introduced in Terminator 2, but they are actually the same, and without one the other wouldn’t be possible: T-800 is the endoskeleton and 101 is the skin and therefore the physical appearance of the model.

Can a clock module be replaced in a T103 pool timer?

This part is a direct replacement of the clock module in a T103 pool timer, and it fits and works well. For me, it didn’t solve my problem, which was my own fault because I didn’t bother diagnosing beforehand. I assumed the problem was a gear on the clock.

How fast is one clock on two timers?

After 24 hours, one clock was about one hour fast and the other was roughly on the correct time. Puzzled, I swapped their placement in the two timers and after another 24 hours the other timer was about 1 hour fast.