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What is the difference between kalimera and Kalispera?

What is the difference between kalimera and Kalispera?

Start your day off right with the morning greeting kalimera, meaning good morning. The same word structure applies throughout the day, so just switch to kalispera (good afternoon) and kalinixta (good night) as time passes. For a more informal greeting, try yasas (hello) or yasou (hi).

What does Kalispera SAS mean?

In Greek, Good Evening is ‘Kalispera’. It is translated to mean ‘Kali’ which stands for ‘good’ and ‘spera’ which means ‘hope’, but the translation doesn’t give the direct meaning. Kalispera sas is a more polite way of greeting the elderly.

When can you say Kalispera?

‘Kalispera’ means ‘good afternoon’ in Greek and is appropriate to say after 12.00 pm and until nighttime.

What does Yassas mean in Greek?

You may also hear the word “ya” tossed around in casual settings which is an abbreviation of yassou/yassas. It is the Greek equivalent of saying hi or hey and shouldn’t be used in formal settings.

What does Cala Mera mean in Greek?

good morning
“Kalimera” is used to mean “good day” or “good morning” and derives from both kali or kalo (“beautiful” or “good”), and mera from imera (“day”). When it comes to traditional greetings in Greece, what you say depends on when you say it.

What is efharisto?

This translates to “Eυχαριστώ” (efharisto) in Greek. If you are especially thankful, you can always say “Ευχαριστώ πολύ” (efharisto poli) meaning “Thanks a lot” or “Ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ” (efharisto para poli) meaning “Thank you very much”.

What is efharisto Poli?

Thank you: Ευχαριστώ If you are especially thankful, you can always say “Ευχαριστώ πολύ” (efharisto poli) meaning “Thanks a lot” or “Ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ” (efharisto para poli) meaning “Thank you very much”.

What does Calimero mean in Greek?

Meaning of Calimero Calimero is originally derived from the Greek Kallimeros, from Kalos meaning “Beautiful; Noble,” and Meros meaning “Thigh; Leg”. Turning out to be, “With Beautiful, Strong Legs”.

What language is kalimera?

“Kalimera” is used to mean “good day” or “good morning” and derives from both kali or kalo (“beautiful” or “good”), and mera from imera (“day”). When it comes to traditional greetings in Greece, what you say depends on when you say it.

What is Yiasou in Greek?

The Yiasou (the Greek word for Hello, Goodbye and Cheers) Greek Festival features Hellenic cultural exhibits, authentic Greek cuisine and homemade pastries, entertainment, live music and dancing, wine tastings, art, shopping and more.

What does Tikanis mean in Greek?

Ti kaneis = How are you? Kala = good.

How do you use Kalispera?

Essentially, kalispera is used in the same way as “good morning” and “good afternoon,” suggesting a continuation of the day rather than a finality to the goodbye.

What is the meaning of Kalimera?

Whether it is morning, evening or nighttime, all of the greetings begin with ” kali ,” which generally means “good.”. The time of day then dictates the suffix—” kalimera ” for good morning, ” kalomesimeri ” for good afternoon, ” kalispera ” for good evening, and ” kalinikta ” for good night.

What’s the difference between kalinikta and Kalispera?

Grecians almost exclusively use kalinikta to end a night—right before they’re departing from the last bar of the night or heading off to bed when staying with friends and family. On the other hand, Grecians will use “kalispera” when leaving one group of people at a restaurant to head out to drinks with another group.

What is the difference between kalinychta and Kalimera?

Kalimera is especially for the morning hours while “kalo mesimeri” is rarely used but means “good afternoon.” Meanwhile, “kalispera” is meant for use in the evenings, and “kalinychta” is meant to say “good night” right before bedtime.