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What is the difference between celiac sprue and tropical sprue?

What is the difference between celiac sprue and tropical sprue?

Tropical sprue is a malabsorption disease commonly found in tropical regions, marked with abnormal flattening of the villi and inflammation of the lining of the small intestine. It differs significantly from coeliac sprue. It appears to be a more severe form of environmental enteropathy.

What is the difference between celiac disease and celiac sprue?

Celiac disease, sometimes called celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy, is an immune reaction to eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. If you have celiac disease, eating gluten triggers an immune response in your small intestine.

What is tropical and non tropical sprue?

Tropical sprue is cured by treatment with tetracycline and folic acid, whereas nontropical sprue responds to a gluten-free diet.

What is tropical sprue disease?

Tropical sprue is a chronic diarrheal disease, possibly of infectious origin, that involves the small intestine and is characterized by malabsorption of nutrients, especially folic acid and vitamin B12.

How do you test for tropical sprue?

One way to diagnose tropical sprue is to look for signs of the nutritional deficiencies it causes. Tests for damage caused by malabsorption include: bone density test. complete blood count….These include:

  1. giardiasis.
  2. Crohn’s disease.
  3. ulcerative colitis.
  4. irritable bowel syndrome.

How is tropical sprue caused?

The exact cause of Tropical Sprue is not known. It is an acquired disorder that may be related to environmental and nutritional factors, or Tropical Sprue may be related to an infectious organism (either viral or bacterial), dietary toxin, parasitic infestation, or a nutritional deficiency such as folic acid.

What are the two types of celiac disease?

According to the World Gastroenterology Organization, celiac disease may be divided into two types: classical and non-classical.

Who gets tropical sprue?

Tropical sprue occurs in both epidemic and endemic forms, primarily in Southeast Asia and the Caribbean. The actual prevalence of the endemic form is difficult to estimate, but rates as high as 8% are reported in Puerto Rico.

Which test is normal in tropical sprue?

One way to diagnose tropical sprue is to look for signs of the nutritional deficiencies it causes. Tests for damage caused by malabsorption include: bone density test. complete blood count.

Does tropical sprue cause villous atrophy?

Tropical sprue is a disease that causes progressive villus atrophy in the small intestine, similar to nontropical (celiac) sprue. The loss of intestinal villi profoundly affects intestinal absorptive function, and patients with tropical or nontropical sprue present with malabsorption.

What is the symptoms of tropical sprue?

The symptoms of Tropical Sprue may include fatigue and diarrhea with stools that are abundant, pale and foul-smelling. People with this disorder may also experience a profound loss of appetite (anorexia), a sore tongue, night blindness, weight loss, a loss of strength and energy (asthenia) and general weakness.

Celiac sprue (disease): Positive antigladin, endomysial and transglutaminase antibodies, biopsy shows villi blunting, histology (villi) and symptoms improve with a gluten free diet. Tropical sprue: Negative antigladin, endomysial and transglutaminase antibodies, biospy shows villi blunting, histology

What is the prevalence of tropical sprue in the US?

Tropical Sprue Incidence. The exact prevalence rate of this disorder is not known. It can occur in people of all ages who either live in or are visiting the tropical regions. The disease affects males and females alike. However, it is not generally seen in children.

Are there any antibiotic alternatives for treating tropical sprue?

There are no antibiotic alternatives that have been proved to be effective for treating Tropical Sprue. Rifaxamin is believed to be reasonably effective; however, there is not enough evidence to prove this. Vitamin B12 supplements are also used for treating this disease. But the effectiveness of this treatment option is not clear yet.

What is tropical sprue and how is it treated?

Tropical Sprue is a disease that only affects the people who live in the tropics and those visiting these regions. This article deals with the definition, possible causes, preventive methods and treatment options of this contagious disease. What is Tropical Sprue? What is Tropical Sprue?