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What is the difference between a pullman loaf pan and a regular loaf pan?

What is the difference between a pullman loaf pan and a regular loaf pan?

A flat-topped loaf of white sandwich bread that gets baked in a square-sided loaf pan with a lid is, culinarily, known as a Pullman loaf. It goes without saying, the technical term for the loaf pan itself is a Pullman pan.

What is a pullman loaf pan for?

The Pullman is a straight-sided loaf pan with an optional sliding lid that’s used to bake flat- or round-topped loaves of bread. Though the pan and the bread often go by the same name, don’t think that means this pan is a one-trick pony.

What size is a pullman loaf pan?

13 x 4 x 4 inches
Typical: 13 x 4 x 4 inches (33 x 10 x 10 cm).

Why do pullman loaf pans have lids?

The lid prevents yeast bread from rising over the pan’s rim and forming the typical mushroom-shaped crown, creating instead a loaf that yields square slices.

What can I use instead of a pullman loaf pan?

To make a loaf with a flat top, use a Pullman loaf pan; if you don’t have a Pullman loaf pan, a regular loaf pan is acceptable. The top of the loaf may not be as flat, but the loaf will bake the same.

How much dough do I need for a Pullman pan?

1 to 3 pounds
What you will need: 1 to 3 pounds of dough: This will depend on the size of your pan and the type of dough. (Whole grain dough will rise less, which means you need more to fill the pan. Doughs made only with white flour will rise more, so it will take less dough to fill the pullman pan.)

Why is it called a Pullman pan?

Pullman loaves are named after Pullman train cars In the compact kitchens of rail cars, Pullman Pans stacked nicely and took up the same amount of space as two standard round-topped loaf pans.

Why is American bread square?

The lid ensures that the top of the bread is identical to the other three sides, so more of those loaves could be stacked efficiently in a tight space. However, there is evidence that bread baked in square tin pan existed long before both railroads and the Pullman company in Europe in the early 18th century.

What size pullman loaf pan is best?

Loaf Pan Size Chart

Pan shape and size Pan shape and size
Loaf pan, 9″ x 5″ x 3″ 8 cups
Pain de mie pan (Pullman loaf pan), 9″ x 4″ x 4″ 10 cups
Pain de mie pan (Pullman loaf pan), 13″ x 4″ x 4″ 14 cups
Round pan (round cake pan), 8″ x 2″ 6 cups

How many pounds of dough do I need for a Pullman pan?

What you will need: 1 to 3 pounds of dough: This will depend on the size of your pan and the type of dough. (Whole grain dough will rise less, which means you need more to fill the pan. Doughs made only with white flour will rise more, so it will take less dough to fill the pullman pan.)

What can I use instead of a Pullman loaf pan?

Why does my Pullman loaf collapse?

If the oven is too hot the loaf will be brown and crispy on the outside but doughy in the middle and may collapse as it cools. When bread is baked at too low a temperature it will not rise enough in the oven resulting in a dense and sunken loaf.