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What is the dictionary definition of corporation?

What is the dictionary definition of corporation?

noun. an association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members. See also municipal corporation, public corporation.

What is the difference between corporation and company?

A company is a general reference to a business whereas a corporation is a reference to a specific type of business entity. A corporation is owned by its shareholders whereas a company can be owned either by the business owner in full (sole proprietorship), several individuals (partnership), or others (shareholders).

What is cooperation in Oxford dictionary?

noun. noun. /koʊˌɑpəˈreɪʃn/ [uncountable] 1the fact of doing something together or of working together toward a shared aim cooperation (with somebody) (in doing something) a report produced by the government in cooperation with the chemical industry cooperation (between A and B)

Is corporation an American word?

In American English, the word corporation is most often used to describe large business corporations. In British English and in the Commonwealth countries, the term company is more widely used to describe the same sort of entity while the word corporation encompasses all incorporated entities.

What are two definitions of corporation?

corporation noun [C, + sing/pl verb] (BUSINESS) B2 (written abbreviation Corp.) a large company or group of companies that is controlled together as a single organization: a multinational corporation. the American Broadcasting Corporation.

What are the 2 meanings of corporation?

Definition of corporation 1a : a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild (see guild sense 1) b : the municipal authorities of a town or city.

Is every company a corporation?

A corporation is a form of business organization that doubles as a separate legal entity from its owners. All corporations are companies, but not all companies are necessarily corporations.

What makes something a corporation?

A corporation is created when it is incorporated by a group of shareholders who share ownership of the corporation, represented by their holding of stock shares, and pursue a common goal. The vast majority of corporations have a goal of returning a profit for their shareholders.

What is cooperation in business?

When the people who use the products and services a company has to offer own and operate the company, it’s known as a cooperative. Aside from the ownership structure, there are a few other distinct features that set cooperatives apart from other types of business.

What makes a company a corporation?

A corporation is a business entity that is owned by its shareholder(s), who elect a board of directors to oversee the organization’s activities. The corporation is liable for the actions and finances of the business – the shareholders are not.

What is the definition of corporation and example?

The definition of a corporation is a legal entity with its own rights, privileges and liabilities separate from the members who created it. An example of a corporation is Apple Computer. noun.

What are the differences between Corporation and co-operation?

In terms of legal independence, a corporation is considered as a legal entity separate from its owners. A corporation is usually run by businesspeople, while a cooperative is operated by its members. A cooperative can be run as a consumer cooperative or worker cooperative.

What does Corporation mean in business?

In American English, the word corporation is most often used to describe large business corporations. In British English and in the Commonwealth countries, the term company is more widely used to describe the same sort of entity while the word corporation encompasses all incorporated entities.

What is the difference between incorporated and Corporation?

Incorporation and corporation cannot be differentiated as one leads to the other.

  • While incorporation is the process,corporation is the organisation formed out of this process.
  • Corporation,as is generally known,is a body formed for the purpose of carrying out a business of any kind.
  • What is considered a corporation?

    Is organized for profit

  • Has a place of business in the US
  • Operates primarily within the U.S. or makes a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes or use of American products,materials or labor
  • Is independently owned and operated and is not dominant in its field on a national basis