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What is the best Christmas Simpsons episode?

What is the best Christmas Simpsons episode?

The Simpsons: All The Christmas Episodes, Ranked

  1. 1 Marge Be Not Proud (Season 7, Episode 11)
  2. 2 Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire (Season 1, Episode 1)
  3. 3 Miracle On Evergreen Terrace (Season 9, Episode 10)
  4. 4 ‘Tis The Fifteenth Season (Season 15, Episode 7)
  5. 5 Grift Of The Magi (Season 11, Episode 9)

What episode of Simpsons is Christmas?

I Won’t Be Home for Christmas (The Simpsons)

“I Won’t Be Home for Christmas”
The Simpsons episode
Episode no. Season 26 Episode 9
Directed by Mark Kirkland
Written by Al Jean

Which Simpsons episodes are Christmas specials?

Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire (Season 1, Episode 1)

  • Marge Be Not Proud (Season 7, Episode 11)
  • Miracle on Evergreen Terrace (Season 9, Episode 10)
  • Grift of the Magi (Season 11, Episode 9)
  • Skinner’s Sense of Snow (Season 12, Episode 8)
  • She of Little Faith (Season 13, Episode 6)
  • How many Simpson Christmas episodes are there?

    17 episodes
    The Simpsons saved three Christmases, ruined eight, and two were kind of a draw. There are 17 episodes that are called Christmas episodes, but some don’t really count. There have been episodes set around the holiday and, as far as I’m concerned, any day they show “Mr.

    Who does Grandpa Simpson spend Christmas Eve with?

    the raccoons
    Bart: Let’s hit the floor! Homer, Marge, Bart and Lisa: ‘Cause Christmas Eve is here! Grandpa: Fine. I’ll spend Christmas Eve with the raccoons.

    What are the South Park Christmas episodes?

    “Woodland Critter Christmas” is the 125th episode of the Comedy Central series South Park. It originally aired on December 15, 2004. It was the last episode of the series to have a Christmas theme for ten years until 2014’s “#HappyHolograms”. This is also the last episode where Mr.

    What are all the Simpsons Christmas episodes in order?

    The Simpsons Christmas Episodes and Seasons, In Order!

    • Simpson Christmas (Tracy Ullman show The Simpsons Short)
    • Simpson’s roasting on an open fire (Season 1 episode 1)
    • Marge be not proud (Season 7 episode 11)
    • Miracle on Evergreen Terrace (Season 9 episode 10)
    • Grift of the Magi (Season 11 episode 9)

    What is the highest rated Simpsons episode ever?

    The 20 Best Simpsons Episodes, According To IMDb

    • 8 The City Of New York Vs. Homer Simpson (9.1)
    • 7 Marge Vs. The Monorail (9.1)
    • 6 Last Exit To Springfield (9.1)
    • 5 Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part One (9.2)
    • 4 Treehouse Of Horror V (9.2)
    • 3 Cape Feare (9.2)
    • 2 You Only Move Twice (9.3)
    • 1 Homer’s Enemy (9.3)

    Who does Grampa spend Christmas with when The Simpsons wont let him in?

    Sweet!” and has the cast of characters singing to music from the Nutcracker Suite. Four tunes are used during this segment. At the end of the first, the family is hiding from Grandpa Simpson. Since he is locked out, he decides to spend Christmas with the raccoons in the dumpster.