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What is the another name of announced?

What is the another name of announced?

Some common synonyms of announce are declare, proclaim, and promulgate. While all these words mean “to make known publicly,” announce implies the declaration of something for the first time.

What is the best synonyms for announced?

synonyms for announce

  • call.
  • declare.
  • disclose.
  • issue.
  • publish.
  • release.
  • report.
  • reveal.

What’s another way of saying ahead of the game?

What is another word for ahead of the game?

successful accomplished
fortuitous noteworthy
lucky award-winning
blossoming conquering
extraordinary performant

What’s another way to say giveaway?

What is another word for giveaway?

gift donation
present bestowal
freebee freebie
presentation promotion
comp donative

What are the words possibly related to announcement?


  • declaration,
  • edict,
  • proclamation,
  • promulgation,
  • pronouncement,
  • pronunciamento,
  • rescript,
  • What do you call a public announcement?

    A public service announcement (PSA) is a message in the public interest disseminated by the media without charge to raise public awareness and change behavior.

    What is a written announcement called?

    statement. noun. a written or spoken announcement on an important subject that someone makes in public.

    What is the meaning of ahead of the game?

    Definition of ahead of the game : in a position or situation in which one is likely to succeed, win, etc.

    What does the expression at the top of their game mean?

    Definition of on top of one’s game : doing something at one’s highest level The pitcher is completely on top of his game tonight—the batters barely stand a chance to get a hit. A singer at the top of her game when performing before her hometown audience.

    What is the synonym of contest?

    challenge, discussion, game, match, meeting, sport, tournament, trial, action, battle, brawl, conflict, debate, encounter, rivalry, litigate, oppose, compete, contend, defend.

    What is a public announcement called?