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What is synonyms of abiding?

What is synonyms of abiding?

Some common synonyms of abide are bear, endure, stand, suffer, and tolerate. While all these words mean “to put up with something trying or painful,” abide suggests acceptance without resistance or protest. cannot abide their rudeness.

What is a synonym for do not follow?

OTHER WORDS FOR disobedient insubordinate, contumacious, defiant, rebellious, unsubmissive, uncompliant.

What is the synonym of obey?

comply with, adhere to, observe, abide by, act in accordance with, conform to, respect, acquiesce in, consent to, agree to, follow, accept, keep to, stick to. play it by the book, toe the line. disobey, defy, contravene.

What is the synonym of obedient?

Some common synonyms of obedient are amenable, docile, and tractable. While all these words mean “submissive to the will of another,” obedient implies compliance with the demands or requests of one in authority.

What does abideth mean in the Bible?

1 : to remain stable or fixed in a state a love that abided with him all his days. 2 : to continue in a place : sojourn will abide in the house of the Lord.

What does it mean to adhere to something?

Definition of adhere to : to act in the way that is required by (something, such as a rule, belief, or promise) They will adhere to the terms of the contract. Certain standards must be adhered to by all members. She adheres to a strict vegetarian diet.

What is the word for disobeying an order?

noun. someone’s behaviour when they do not obey orders or rules.

What is the synonym of disobedience?

nounviolation of a law. barratry. contravention. delinquency. dereliction.

What do you call a person who obeys?

Use obedient to describe someone who knows the rules, toes the line, and follows instructions. The word can refer to people (an obedient student), a group (obedient citizens), or even animals (an obedient dog). Definitions of obedient.

What is another word for comply with?

OTHER WORDS FOR comply 1 acquiesce, yield, conform, obey, consent, assent.

What is the adjective of obedient?

obedient. / (əˈbiːdɪənt) / adjective. obeying or willing to obey.

What is a synonym for abide?

Synonyms for abide. dwell, live, reside. 3 to put up with (something painful or difficult) cannot abide being in huge crowds.

What is the difference between stand and abide?

The meanings of stand and abide largely overlap; however, stand emphasizes even more strongly the ability to bear without discomposure or flinching. When might suffer be a better fit than abide?

What is the difference between abide and endure?

While in some cases nearly identical to abide, endure implies continuing firm or resolute through trials and difficulties. In what contexts can stand take the place of abide? The meanings of stand and abide largely overlap; however, stand emphasizes even more strongly the ability to bear without discomposure or flinching.