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What is SSB generation?

What is SSB generation?

To generate an SSB signal with this method, two versions of the original signal are generated, mutually 90° out of phase for any single frequency within the operating bandwidth. Each one of these signals then modulates carrier waves (of one frequency) that are also 90° out of phase with each other.

What are the methods for SSB generation?

The phaseing method of SSB generation uses a phase shift technique that causes one of the side bands to be conceled out. A block diagram of a phasing type SSB generator is shown in fig. The carrier signal is VcSin2πfct the modulating signal is VmSin2πfmt. Balanced modualtor produces the product of these two signals.

What is single SideBand used for?

SSB (Single Sideband) is an obscure but very important way to communicate via radio. It is used primarily for two-way voice communication by ham radio operators, aircraft and air traffic control (ATC), ships at sea, military and spy networks. Occasionally some shortwave broadcast stations use this format.

How is SSB signal generated?

SSB receiver This is achieved using an internal oscillator called a Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO) or Carrier Insertion Oscillator (CIO). This generates a carrier signal that can be mixed with the incoming SSB signal, thereby enabling the required audio to be recovered in the detector.

Which filter is used for SSB generation?

Mechanical filters
Mechanical filters are most commonly used in SSB generation. A mechanical filter is a signal processing filter usually used in place of an electronic filter at radio frequencies.

Why SSB transmission is preferred?

The advantages of SSB-SC over DSB-FC signal are : Less bandwidth requirements . This allow more number of signals to be transmitted in the same frequency range . Lots of power saving .

What are the different types of methods in SSB SC modulation?

We can generate SSBSC wave using the following two methods.

  • Frequency discrimination method.
  • Phase discrimination method.

What are the advantages of SSB modulation?

Sideband Modulation − Advantages Bandwidth or spectrum space occupied is lesser than AM and DSB signals. Transmission of more number of signals is allowed. Power is saved. High power signal can be transmitted.

What is the difference between SSB and DSB?

DSB removes the carrier but transmits both sidebands. SSB removes the carrier and also one of the sidebands.

What is SSB and DSB?

DSB-SC stands for Double SideBand Suppressed Carrier and SSB-SC stands for Single SideBand Suppressed Carrier. Both of these are modulation techiques used in AM(Amplitude Modulated) frequency spectrum.

What is the advantage of SSB-SC modulation?

Advantages of SSB-SC Modulation Over DSB-FC Less bandwidth requirements . This allow more number of signals to be transmitted in the same frequency range . Lots of power saving . This is due to the transmission of only one sideband component .

What are the advantages and disadvantages of SSB?

Advantages and Disadvantages of SSB Modulation

  • The occupied spectrum space otherwise BW is smaller than amplitude modulation & DSB signals.
  • Broadcast of an additional number of signals can be allowable.
  • Power can be saved.
  • The transmission of the high signal can be done.
  • The amount of noise present is less.

Can single-sideband signals be detected?

A Third Method of Generation and Detection of Single-Sideband Signals DONALD K. WEAVER, JR., ASSOCIATE MEMBER, IRE Summary—This paper presentes third method of generation and detection of a single-sideband signal.

What is single-sideband?

Single-sideband has the mathematical form of quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) in the special case where one of the baseband waveforms is derived from the other, instead of being independent messages: is the radio carrier frequency. represents the imaginary unit . s ( t ) . {\\displaystyle s (t).} S ( f ) . {\\displaystyle S (f).}

What is a sideband control system?

This system is especially suited to keeping the signal energy confined to the desired bandwidth. Any unwanted sideband occupies the same band as the desired sideband, and the unwanted sideband in the usual sense is not present.

How many sideband signals are produced from two balanced modulators?

Also, the modulating or baseband signal is applied to the BM 1. Moreover, the carrier is directly fed to the Balanced modulator 2 or BM 2, along with this a 90⁰ phase shifted modulating signal is also applied to the same. Thus, at the output of the two balanced modulators, signals consisting of 2 sidebands are achieved.