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What is sodium benzalkonium chloride?

What is sodium benzalkonium chloride?

Benzalkonium chloride is a quaternary ammonium antiseptic and disinfectant with actions and uses similar to those of other cationic surfactants. It is also used as an antimicrobial preservative for pharmaceutical products.

What is benzalkonium chloride 80%?

Product: Benzalkonium Chloride (Alquat -80) (BKC) Applications: It is Quaternary ammonium compound. It is used as biocide in water treatment chemical and as disinfectant also. Used as antibacterial.

What is a safe concentration of benzalkonium chloride?

It is concluded that Benzalkonium Chloride can be safely used as an antimicrobial agent at concentrations up to 0.1%.

Why is benzalkonium chloride used as preservative?

Benzalkonium chloride (BAK) is the most common preservative in topical medication used to treat glaucoma [10R,11R]. It acts by disrupting bacterial cell membranes and is found in more than half of all topical ophthalmic medications [8R].

How do you make a benzalkonium chloride solution?

The benzalkonium chloride solution comprises, by mass, 0.13%-0.21% of benzalkonium chloride, 0.05%-0.2% of triclosan, 1%-2% of nonionic surfactant, 0.5%-2.0% of EDTA-2Na, 5%-10% of aloe extract, 1%-5% of vitamin E, 1.0%-5.0% of penetrant, 1.5%-3.0% of synergist and the balance water for injection.

Is benzalkonium chloride FDA approved?

Hand sanitizers using active ingredients other than alcohol (ethanol), isopropyl alcohol, or benzalkonium chloride are not legally marketed, and FDA recommends that consumers avoid their use.

What is BKC 50%?

Benzalkonium Chloride 50% is a colourless Liquid, Soluble in water under normal temperature, Used for Oil Antiseptic, ponds disinfectant. It is a safe, rapid acting bactericide, algaecide and Fungicide.

Is 0.13 benzalkonium chloride safe?

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 0.1-0.13% w/w BAC is considered safe and effective as an “antiseptic drug product”. BAC has also been recognized as safe and effective when incorporated into oral mouth rinses. BAC is also popularly used as a rinse-free hand sanitizer and for hand washing.

Is benzalkonium chloride 13% toxic?

Benzalkonium chloride (BAC) is a widely used disinfectant/preservative, and respiratory exposure to this compound has been reported to be highly toxic.

Is benzalkonium chloride a preservative?

Benzalkonium chloride (BAK) is the most commonly used eye drop preservative. Benzalkonium chloride has been associated with toxic effects such as “dry eye” and trabecular meshwork degeneration, but the underlying biochemical mechanism of ocular toxicity by BAK is unclear.

How do you dissolve benzalkonium chloride?

Benzalkonium chloride is readily soluble in ethanol and acetone. Dissolution in water is ready, upon agitation. Aqueous solutions should be neutral to slightly alkaline. Solutions foam when shaken.

Can you mix benzalkonium chloride and hydrogen peroxide?

Avoid mixing Benzalkonium Chloride (BKC) with citrates, iodides, nitrates, permanganates, salicylates, silver salts and tartrates. Incompatibilities have also been reported with other substances including aluminium, fluorescin sodium, hydrogen peroxide, kaolin and some sulfonamides.