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What is self-disclosure in communication?

What is self-disclosure in communication?

Self-disclosure is the process of passing on information about yourself to someone else – whether you intend to or not! The details can range from the superficial, such as your favorite food or TV show, to deeply personal information, such as religious beliefs, and big turning points in your private life.

How does Mediated Communication affect your self-disclosure?

Abstract. Three studies examined the notion that computer mediated communication (CMC) can be characterised by high levels of self-disclosure. In Study one, significantly higher levels of spontaneous self-disclosure were found in computer-mediated compared to face-to-face discussions.

What are the 3 layers of self-disclosure?

There are three layers to Self-Disclosure in relationships: the outermost layers, intermediate layers and central layers.

What is self-disclosure theory?

Self-disclosure is a central concept in Social Penetration Theory proposed by Altman and Taylor (1973). This theory claims that by gradually revealing emotions and experiences and listening to their reciprocal sharing, people gain a greater understanding of each other and display trust.

What are the types of self-disclosure?

There are five types of self-disclosures: deliberate, unavoidable, accidental, inappropriate and client- initiated.

How do you use self-disclosure?

Ethical Self-Disclosure

  1. Consider the benefits. Ask yourself in advance of using self-disclosure just how the disclosure will help the client.
  2. Consider the risks.
  3. Be brief.
  4. Use “I statements.” Make it clear that you are giving your opinion based on your personal experiences only.
  5. Consider your client’s values.

What is computer mediated communication?

Computer-mediated communication (CMC), wherein people use computers and networks to communicate with one another, makes communication across great distances and different time zones convenient, eliminating the time and geographic constraints of in-person communication.

What are the stages of self-disclosure?

Self‐disclosure passes through a number of phases as an interpersonal relationship progresses (Taylor & Altman, 1987). These stages of social penetration theory include orientation, exploratory affective exchange, affective exchange, and stable exchange.

What are the 5 principles of communication privacy management theory?

The listed elements provide understanding of how we can better understand communication between people about their own information. The five core theory elements are private information, private boundaries, control and ownership, rule-based management, and privacy management.

What are the two models of self-disclosure?

Self-disclosure develops human relationships. The study examined three theories and a model that focus on self-disclosure and development of human relationship. The theories are: Communication Privacy Management (CPM), Social Penetration Theory (SPT), Social Exchange Theory (SET) and the Johari Window Pane model.

What are the five principles of self-disclosure?

2.1 Perception Process.

  • 2.2 Perceiving Others.
  • 2.3 Perceiving and Presenting Self.
  • 2.4 Improving Perception.
  • What is the purpose of self-disclosure in counseling?

    Self-disclosure can help in building rapport, which is essential to the counseling relationship. Counselors often choose to disclose about themselves and their lives to aid in the development of trust that is necessary for counseling to be effective.