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What is scatological comedy?

What is scatological comedy?

Toilet humour, or potty or scatological humour (compare scatology), is a type of off-colour humour dealing with defecation, constipation, urination and flatulence, and to a lesser extent vomiting and other bodily functions.

What is scatological behavior?

In sexual fetishism, scatology (usually abbreviated scat) refers to coprophilia, when a being is sexually aroused by fecal matter, whether in the use of feces in various sexual acts, watching someone defecating, or simply seeing the feces.

What do scatological means?

Definition of scatology 1 : interest in or treatment of obscene matters especially in literature. 2 : the biologically oriented study of excrement (as for taxonomic purposes or for the determination of diet)

What does Scatterlogical mean?

1. the study of or preoccupation with excrement or obscenity. 2. obscenity, esp. words or humor referring to excrement.

What is a synonym for scatology?

nounindecency, immorality; vulgarism. X-rating. abomination. affront. atrocity.

What prurient means?

Definition of prurient : marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire especially : marked by, arousing, or appealing to sexual desire. Other Words from prurient Example Sentences Learn More About prurient.

Why would a child wipe poop on walls?

Psychological issues: Smearing is more likely to happen with children who have processing differences such as autism or attention deficit disorder (ADD). It may also occur in children who have experienced trauma, or have anxiety or depression.

What is Encopretic behavior?

Encopresis (or soiling) is a disorder in which a child over the age of four repeatedly poops in places other than the toilet, like their clothes or the floor. Some children with encopresis have problems with normal pooping, like constipation. Some children are afraid or anxious about pooping, so they try to hold it.

What does scat stand for?


Acronym Definition
SCAT Sport Competition Anxiety Test
SCAT Somerset College of Arts and Technology
SCAT Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research, Foundation
SCAT Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology

What is the synonym of vulgar?

Some common synonyms of vulgar are coarse, gross, obscene, and ribald. While all these words mean “offensive to good taste or morals,” vulgar often implies boorishness or ill-breeding.

What is censorious attitude?

/senˈsɔː.ri.əs/ formal. often criticizing other people: his censorious attitude to those who do not share his opinions. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What is scatological humor?

Scatology \\sca·tol·o·gy\\ noun from the Greek skat -, skōr excrement; akin to Old English scearn dung, Latin muscerdae mouse droppings I should have guessed this origin! I have heard animal excrement referred to as “scat”. First, how do you feel the use of scatological humor in children’s books?

Is the ScatoLOGIC discourse of the text totally s erious?

Nevertheless, the scatologic al discourse of the text is totally s erious. Acts of A ndrew. Peter’ s enigmatic words on the cross a bout the necessity

What is the origin of the word scatology?

It’s fun, and a great way to expand your vocabulary. Scatology \\sca·tol·o·gy\\ noun from the Greek skat -, skōr excrement; akin to Old English scearn dung, Latin muscerdae mouse droppings I should have guessed this origin!

Is the ScatoLOGIC al discourse of the Book of acts sinful?

Nevertheless, the scatologic al discourse of the text is totally s erious. Acts of A ndrew. Peter’ s enigmatic words on the cross a bout the necessity deconstruction of the deconstruction, as it were. described in these writings. Not only the soul but also the id of the personality became the subje ct of public discourse. One felt “x-rayed, ”