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What is S355J2 n material?

What is S355J2 n material?

S355J2+N is welder-friendly, low carbon, high tensile strength structural steel, can be readily welded to other weldable steel. For its low carbon equivalent, it possesses good cold-forming properties. The plate is produced by fully killed steel process and supplied in a normalized or controlled rolling condition.

What does S355J2 N mean?

S355 J2 N is the common high strength steel that is mainly used for construction work. It is a non-alloy structural steel with EN 10025 specification. There are various products manufactured using this steel and steel plates are one of the popular product used in several industries and applications.

Is S355J2 stainless steel?

Steel grade S355J2 is an unalloyed welded structural steel with guaranteed impact work at a temperature of -20ºС. Classification: Low-carbon steel. Products: Flat and long products, as well as semi-finished products used to make them.

What does N mean in steel?

Normalised or normalised rolled
N – Normalised or normalised rolled – P355NL1. Q – Quenched and tempered. G – Other characteristics – P355GH. H – High temperature – P355NH.

What type of steel is S355J2?

low carbon manganese steel
S355J2 is a medium tensile, low carbon manganese steel which is readily weldable and possess good impact resistance (also in sub-zero temperatures). This material is commonly supplied in the untreated or normalized condition. Machinability of this material is similar to that of mild steel.

What is en in en steel?

The meaning of EN is ‘European standard’ or ‘Euronorm’. It has replaced the term BS (i.e, British Standard). In the European Union, it’s standard are mainly use for business. The first two words in the En steels name is the European steel standard, After that the number is the standard number.

What is S355K2?

Description. S355K2 is a medium tensile, low carbon manganese steel which is readily weldable and possess good impact resistance (also in sub-zero temperatures). This material is commonly supplied in the untreated or normalized condition. Machinability of this material is similar to that of mild steel.

What is an en material?