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What is pushover analysis?

What is pushover analysis?

Pushover analysis is a static procedure that uses a simplified nonlinear technique to estimate seismic structural deformations. Structures redesign themselves during earthquakes. As individual components of a structure yield or fail, the dynamic forces on the building are shifted to other components.

What is the difference between time history analysis and pushover analysis?

Pushover analysis allows for direct evaluation of the performance of the structure at each limit state (Tehranizadeh and Moshref 2011). Time history analysis is the most reliable analysis method among all the nonlinear analysis methodologies.

What is pushover curve?

The Capacity Curve or Pushover Curve represents the nonlinear behaviour of the structure and is a load-deformation curve of the base shear force versus the horizontal roof displacement of the building. Pushover analysis transforms a dynamic problem to a static problem.

What is target displacement in pushover analysis?

The target displacement is an estimation of the top displacement of the building when exposed to the design earthquake excitation. Then a pushover analysis is carried out on the building until the top displacement of the building equals to the target displacement [Tso & Moghadam 1998].

What is non linear static pushover analysis?

Pushover is a static-nonlinear analysis method where a structure is subjected to gravity loading and a monotonic displacement-controlled lateral load pattern which continuously increases through elastic and inelastic behavior until an ultimate condition is reached.

What is difference between response and time history analysis?

Time history analysis is based on the generated forces of past earthquake happenings under static conditions. Response spectrum analysis indicates the dynamic behaviour of structure under peak ground acceleration and is useful to assess the performance of structure under dynamic excitation.

What is spectral displacement?

The displacement spectra obtained from conversion of the acceleration spectra in most codes are unrealistic in both shape and amplitude. Recent work has led to the development of simple procedures to construct displacement response spectra for specific design earthquake scenarios.

What is tactical displacement?

Tactical displacement occurs when offenders change their tactics or procedures. They might use different tools to defeat better locks, for example. Or computer hackers might alter their programs to circumvent improved security.

What is non linear static analysis?

Nonlinear static analysis, commonly referred to as pushover analysis, is a method for determining the ultimate load and deflection capability of a structure.

What is base shear?

Base shear is an estimate of the maximum expected lateral force on the base of the structure due to seismic activity. It is calculated using the seismic zone, soil material, and building code lateral force equations (Figure 10.3). Notations in IBC/UBC are used in mathematical equations. Figure 10.3.

What is seismic coefficient method?

The seismic coefficient method is one of the static procedures for earthquake resistant design of structures. Horizontal and/or vertical forces, which are calculated as products of the seismic coefficients H K , V K and the weight of the structures are applied to the structures as shown in Figure 1.