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What is PI Coresight?

What is PI Coresight?

PI Coresight is a web-based application that delivers fast, easy, and secure access to all your PI System data. With PI Coresight data can be analyzed in a variety of formats allowing you to see information the way you want. Display objects self-configure so you spend time analyzing information, not building displays.

What is OSIsoft PI system?

The OSIsoft PI System is a suite of software applications that allows for collecting, historicizing, finding, analyzing, delivering and visualizing data.

What is pi ProcessBook?

PI ProcessBook is a graphics package that allows users to create dynamic, interactive graphics and trends featuring real-time PI System data. Data can be viewed from multiple sources, such as relational databases that expose ODBC-compliant interfaces, or AF 2.

Who owns OSIsoft PI?

In a $5 billion deal, engineering and industrial software company AVEVA has agreed to acquire OSIsoft, maker of the PI System, which is a market-leading operational data software solution.

Who owned OSIsoft?

AVEVA, a leader in industrial performance applications, has completed its $5 billion acquisition of operational data platform developer OSIsoft in a move that gives AVEVA and its partners the capabilities to help industrial customers accelerate their digital transformation efforts.

Is Pi ProcessBook going away?

After a strong run spanning multiple decades, we are officially retiring PI ProcessBook. As customer needs continue to evolve, so must technology, paving way for innovation. PI Vision, the visualization layer of the on-prem components of the PI System, provides a comprehensive replacement.

What is the difference between Pi vision and PI ProcessBook?

PI Vision is our de facto visualization platform and has capabilities that PI Processbook doesn’t have. You can develop custom symbols in PI Vision using DHTML and also use our inbuilt symbols.

What does PI DataLink do?

PI DataLink is a Microsoft Excel add-in that enables you to retrieve information from your PI System directly into a worksheet. Combined with the computational, graphic, and formatting capabilities of Microsoft Excel, PI DataLink offers powerful tools for gathering, monitoring, analyzing, and reporting PI System data.

What type of database is OSIsoft pi?

Asset Framework Database
The PI “System” as it is often referred to at OSIsoft is the Asset Framework Database (AF). This is a database in the traditional sense stored and accessed using Microsoft SQL server.

Who owns AVEVA?

Samos Acquisition Company LimitedAVEVA / Parent organization