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What is PBR in Asa?

What is PBR in Asa?

This post describes how to configure a Cisco ASA firewall to support Policy Based Routing (PBR). PBR allows an administrator to define routing based on source address, source port, destination address, destination port, protocol or a combination of all these.

Does Cisco ASA support PBR?

Policy Based Routing (PBR) is a feature that has been supported on Cisco Routers for ages. However, Cisco ASA firewalls didn’t support this until version 9.4. 1 and later. Finally Cisco acknowledged the usefulness of PBR on firewall devices and has implemented this on ASA as well.

Can I use an ASA as a router?

Bottom line: The ASA is a solid firewall but it’s not a router. If you need a router and routing protocols, use a Cisco 1941 (new), Cisco 1841 (used gear). The Cisco 1941s are very comparable to the ASA5510 in terms of throughput.

How do I set a default route in Asa?

Configure a Default Route A default route is simply a static route with 0.0. 0.0/0 as the destination IP address. ASA would be configured using the command route {nameif}.

How does policy-based routing work?

PBR is the process of using a route map to specify an attribute other than the destination and then define the path out of the router based on those conditions. Once parameters like these are established, the data packets get routed accordingly. This empowers you to increase the agility of the network.

Does Cisco ASA supports route based VPN?

Policy-Based IPSEC VPN This VPN category is supported on both Cisco ASA Firewalls and Cisco IOS Routers. With this VPN type the device encrypts and encapsulates a subset of traffic flowing through an interface according to a defined policy (using an Access Control List).

How do I connect to ASA Router?

Initial setup and configuration of interfaces

  1. Connect the network cable from the modem to port 0 (default outside port) on the ASA.
  2. Connect your computer to one of the other ports on the ASA, which should be on the inside network by default.
  3. Open a browser on your computer and go to 192.168.
  4. Click Run ASDM.
  5. Log in.

How do I add a static route FTD?

  1. Choose Devices > Device Management, and edit the FTD device.
  2. Step 2 Click Routing.
  3. Step 3 Select Static Route.
  4. Click Add Routes.

How do I change ASA to transparent mode?

In configuration mode, execute the command firewall transparent:

  1. ASA# conf t. ASA(config)# firewall transparent. Step 2 –
  2. ASA(config)# interface Ethernet 0/0. ASA(config-if)# switchport access vlan 10. ASA(config-if)# no shutdown.
  3. ASA(config-if)# interface vlan 10. ASA(config-if)# nameif outside.

What is source based routing?

Source-based routing directs traffic to a specific destination based on the source IP address or a combination of the source and destination IP addresses. Rules defining Source-based routing take precedence over ordinary destination-based routing rules.