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What is packing factor calculate the packing factor for simple cubic and FCC?

What is packing factor calculate the packing factor for simple cubic and FCC?

Atomic packing factor (APF) of common crystal structures….What is Atomic Packing Factor (and How to Calculate it for SC, BCC, FCC, and HCP)?

Crystal Structure Atomic Packing Factor
Simple Cubic (SC) 52%
Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) 68%
Face-Centered Cubic (FCC) 74%
Hexagonal Close-Packed (HCP) 74%

What is the atomic packing fraction of FCC structure?

The packing efficiency of FCC lattice is 74%. Let r be the radius of the sphere and a be the edge length of the cube and the number of atoms or spheres is n that is equal to 4.

What is the formula of packing factor?

Another parameter that we need to define is the atomic packing factor (APF). This is the fraction of the volume occupied by the hard spheres in the unit cell. It can be calculated as the sum of the volume of the atoms divided by the volume of the unit cell, and it indicates the maximum possible packing of hard spheres.

How do you calculate the packing efficiency of a face centered cubic?

Packing efficiency in face centered unit cell and Cubic close packing structure:

  1. b 2 = a 2 + a 2.
  2. ∴ ( 4 r ) 2 = a 2 + a 2.
  3. ⇒ ( 4 r ) 2 = 2 a 2.

What is the atomic packing factor for simple cubic?

For a simple cubic packing, the number of atoms per unit cell is one.

Is FCC and CCP same?

Two alternative terms for the same lattice are Face Centered Cubic (FCC) or Cubic Close Packed (CCP).

What is packing fraction equation?

The equation for packing fraction is: Packing fraction = (N atoms) x (V atom) / V unit cell. N atoms is the number of atoms in a unit cell. V atom is the volume of the atom, and V unit cell is the volume of a unit cell. Substitute the number of atoms per unit cell into the equation.

How do you calculate packing factor for diamond cubic structure?

Answer. Packing factor of diamond cubic structure is 0.34. The equation for finding the packing fraction is No of atoms in unit cell ×Volume of atom/Volume of unit cell. Diamond has eight atoms per unit cell.

What is packing efficiency calculate the packing efficiency of FCC?

Summary of the Three Types of Cubic Structures:

Type of Unit Cell Number of atoms in unit cell Packing Efficiency
Simple cubic (scc) 1 52.4 %
Body centred cubic (bcc) 2 68 %
Face centred cubic (fcc) 4 74 %

What is the packing efficiency of CCP?

The packing efficiency of both types of close packed structure is 74%, i.e. 74% of the space in hcp and ccp is filled. The hcp and ccp structure are equally efficient; in terms of packing. The packing efficiency of simple cubic lattice is 52.4%. And the packing efficiency of body centered cubic lattice (bcc) is 68%.

How many atoms are present in a fcc unit cell?

4 atoms
The face-centred cubic (FCC) has a coordination number of 12 and contains 4 atoms per unit cell.

What is the atomic packing factor of bcc structure Mcq?

Crystal Structures MCQ Question 4 Detailed Solution

Structure Atomic packing factor
BCC 0.68
HCP 0.74
FCC 0.74
Diamond cubic 0.34