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What is occult spinal Dysraphism?

What is occult spinal Dysraphism?

Closed spinal dysraphism (CSD) (also known as occult spinal dysraphism or spina bifida occulta) is characterized by failure of fusion of the vertebral bodies due to abnormal fusion of the posterior vertebral arches, with unexposed neural tissue; the skin overlying the defect is intact.

Is spinal dysraphism the same as spina bifida?

Spinal dysraphism (also called spina bifida) is a condition in which a baby’s spine and spinal cord do not form properly during pregnancy. The spine and spinal cords are then exposed to the surrounding environment inside or outside the body.

What is the classification of spinal dysraphism?

They can be broadly classified as anomalies of gastrulation (disorders of notochord formation and of integration); anomalies of primary neurulation (premature dysjunction and nondysjunction); combined anomalies of gastrulation and primary neurulation and anomalies of secondary neurulation.

How is spinal dysraphism diagnosed?

How do doctors diagnose spinal dysraphism? At around 15 weeks gestation, a blood test measures the levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (a protein made by your baby’s developing liver). If the AFP levels are higher than usual, your doctor may suggest more tests to check for spinal dysraphism.

What is spina bifida occulta symptoms?

Symptoms of spina bifida occulta

  • back pain.
  • leg weakness.
  • pain in the back of the legs.
  • loss of bladder or bowel control.
  • scoliosis, or a curving of the spine.
  • numbness in the back or legs.
  • misshapen legs and feet.

What is the most common location for a spinal dysraphism?

Embryologically, open spinal dysraphism (myelomeningocele) is thought to occur 3 to 4 weeks after conception at the time that the neural tube is closing. Myelomeningoceles are by far the most common spinal dysraphic condition affecting the lower urinary tract and therefore the most familiar to urologists.

What are the different types of spina bifida?

There are four types of spina bifida: occulta, closed neural tube defects, meningocele, and myelomeningocele.

What is cranial Dysraphism?

Definition (NCI) A rare neural tube defect during pregnancy, resulting in the absence of a large portion of the brain and skull in the fetus. Definition (MSH) A malformation of the nervous system caused by failure of the anterior neuropore to close.

Can spina bifida occulta be seen on MRI?

People may only discover they have the condition after they receive an X-ray or magnetic resonance (MR) imaging scan for a separate problem. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke estimates that 10- 20 percent of people may have spina bifida occulta.

Is spinal dysraphism hereditary?

The abnormality can be considered as a disorder of neural tube formation, the most common congenital abnormality with varying prevalence dependent upon race and country. Disorders of neural tube formation are related to genetic but also to environmental factors [5, 6].

What are the 3 forms of spina bifida?