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What is NOCSAE responsible for?

What is NOCSAE responsible for?

The National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment or NOCSAE (pronounced “noxey”) is an independent and nonprofit standards development body with the sole mission to enhance athletic safety through scientific research and the creation of performance standards for athletic equipment.

What is the NOCSAE warning?

The warning label requirement has long been a part of each standard and is intended to warn participants of the possibility of head or neck injury despite the fact a certified helmet is being worn. The helmet is designed to help protect the head.

What does NOCSAE stand for and what does it do?

National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment.

How much does it cost to recertify a football helmet?

Reconditioning typically costs $30 to $40 per helmet, a savings of $150 to $350 when compared to the cost of a new helmet. Saving money is just one of the many benefits of proper reconditioning.

Do batting helmets expire?

The National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment, or NOCSAE, sets the standard that any helmet more than 10 years from its initial certification is not eligible for recertification. Simply put, if you have a helmet that is more than 10 years old, you should replace it.

How often do shoulder pads need to be reconditioned?

The following are four typical reconditioning cycles. Annually – Reconditioning helmets and shoulder pads every year ensures that your equipment has been thoroughly inspected, cleaned and sanitized, repaired, and recertified before it returns to the playing field.

What do you do with expired football helmets?

Re-purposing Old or Expired Helmets If the helmet is old and tattered, or old and ugly, or has been crashed or damaged in some way, it would probably be best just to cut the straps off, hit it a few times with a sledge hammer and put it in the trash or recycle bin (maybe they do recycle locally).

How many years can you use a football helmet?

10 years
Football helmets should be replaced no later than 10 years from the date of manufacture. Many helmets will need to be replaced sooner, depending upon wear and tear.

How often should you replace a batting helmet?

The National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment, or NOCSAE, sets the standard that any helmet more than 10 years from its initial certification is not eligible for recertification. Simply put, if you have a helmet that is more than 10 years old, you should replace it.

How do you clean the inside of a batting helmet?

Clean the helmet often inside and out with warm water and mild detergent. DO NOT soak any part of the helmet, put it close to high heat, or use strong cleaners. DO NOT let anyone sit or lean on the helmet.

Do football helmets expire?

Football helmets should be replaced no later than 10 years from the date of manufacture. Many helmets will need to be replaced sooner, depending upon wear and tear.

Who can certify football helmets?

Football helmets are certified to NOCSAE standards by Safety Equipment Institute (SEI).