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What is MSI log file?

What is MSI log file?

The log file, Msi. log, appears in the Temp folder of the system volume. For more information about MSI logging, see Windows Help. To do this, search by using the phrase msi logging, and then select Managing options for computers through Group Policy.

How do I enable MSI logging?

Under Group Policy, expand Computer Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, expand Windows Components, and then select Windows Installer. Double-click Logging, and then click Enabled. In the Logging box, enter the options you want to log. The log file, Msi.

What is MSI used for?

MSI is a file extension that applies to database files used by the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI). They contain information about an application divided into features and components, and every component may contain files, registry data, shortcuts, and so on.

Can I delete .msi files?

Now, when you view the Property details of MSI and MSP files in the Installer folder, these could show that they are connected to software currently installed. Others might be from the software you have uninstalled or old versions that have since been replaced. Those are no longer needed and can be safely deleted.

How do I read MSI install log?

Check the Show run Log option and press the [ Run ] button to run the installer in debug mode. The resulting Windows Installer log will be shown in the “Run Log” Panel. In the bottom of your Advanced Installer project, the Run and Log panel will be displayed.

What is installation log?

This log file contains records of all actions performed by the setup program and by other executable files related to installation. The installation log file can be particularly helpful if you encounter errors during the installation process.

What MSI means?

1. Short for medium-scale integration, MSI is a chip generation introduced in 1968 with between 10 and 500 transistors and 13 and 99 logic gates. 2. MSI or Micro-Star International is computer company. See our MSI company contact page for full company details.

Are .MSI files safe?

It is often used for Windows updates and third-party software installers. The danger: Since MSI files are usually trustworthy and commonly used for software installations, it can be difficult to spot malicious files. This provides an optimal doorway for viruses to be delivered and installed on your computer.

How do I delete all MSI files?

  1. If you have access to the original MSI used for the installation, you can simply right click it in Windows Explorer and select Uninstall.
  2. As stated above you can do the same by command line: msiexec /x filename.msi /q.

How do I check setup logs?

View the Windows Setup event logs

  1. Start the Event Viewer, expand the Windows Logs node, and then click System.
  2. In the Actions pane, click Open Saved Log and then locate the Setup. etl file. By default, this file is available in the %WINDIR%\Panther directory.
  3. The log file contents appear in the Event Viewer.

How do I check installation logs?