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What is meant by submetacentric chromosome?

What is meant by submetacentric chromosome?

Definition of submetacentric : having the centromere situated so that one chromosome arm is somewhat shorter than the other.

What is Metacentric and submetacentric chromosome?

Metacentric chromosomes have the centromere located midway between the ends of the chromosome, separating the two arms of the chromosome (Figure 1). Chromosomes with centromeres positioned visibly off-center are called submetacentric.

What is the structure of submetacentric chromosome?

Submetacentric chromosomes – The centromere is present near the middle and divides the chromosome into two unequal arms. It is an L-shaped chromosome. Most chromosomes in humans are submetacentric, e.g. 2nd, 4th to 12th, 17th, 18th and X chromosomes.

What is Submetacentric and Acrocentric?

Submetacentric – centromere off-centre, leading to shorter p arm relative to q arm (e.g. chromosomes 2, 4 – 12, 17, 18, X) Acrocentric – centromere severely off-set from centre, leading to much shorter p arm (e.g. chromosomes 13 – 15, 21, 22, Y)

Where is the Submetacentric chromosome located?

A submetacentric chromosome is a chromosome whose centromere is located near the middle. As a result, the chromosomal arms (i.e. p and q arms) are slightly unequal in length and may also form an L-shape. A chromosome with equal chromosomal arms is termed metacentric chromosome.

What is the J shaped chromosome called?

The metacentric chromosomes appear to be V-shaped. sub- metacentric chromosomes appear to be L-shaped, the telocentric chromosome appears to be like I-shaped and the acrocentric chromosome appears to be J-shaped.

Where is the submetacentric chromosome located?

What is metacentric chromosome Class 10?

Based on the position of centromere, chromosomes are called as. Metacentric: Having median centromere with two equal arms of the chromosomes. Sub-metacentric: Having sub-terminal centromere with one shorter arm and one longer arm.

What is the meaning of Metacentric?

Definition of metacentric 1 : of or relating to a metacenter. 2 : having the centromere medially situated so that the two chromosomal arms are of roughly equal length.

How many Submetacentric chromosomes are there?

In humans, several chromosomes are submetacentric: chromosome 2, chromosome 4, chromosome 5, chromosome 6, chromosome 7, chromosome 8, chromosome 9, chromosome 10, chromosome 11, chromosome 12, chromosome 17, chromosome 18 and X chromosome.

What is the shape of Submetacentric chromosome during anaphase?

So, the correct answer is ‘V-shaped’.

What shape would a Metacentric and Submetacentric?

Metacentric chromosomes produce V-shaped daughter chromosomes, submetacentric appear J-shaped and acrocentric form I-shapes. When creating karyotypes, the position of the centromere is used to find matching pairs, as it can be very specific.

How many submetacentric chromosomes are in a chromosome?

Number of submetacentric chromosomes: with six and eight submetacentrics (0), 10 submetacentrics (1), 12 submetacentrics (2), 14 submetacentrics (3), 16 submetacentrics (4), 18 submetacentrics (5), 20 submetacentrics (6), 22 submetacentrics (7).

What is the meaning of submetacentric?

Definition of submetacentric : having the centromere situated so that one chromosome arm is somewhat shorter than the other : having the centromere situated so that one chromosome arm is somewhat shorter than the other : a submetacentric chromosome

What is a submetacentric centromere?

Definition of submetacentric. : having the centromere situated so that one chromosome arm is somewhat shorter than the other. —.

What is the shape of the submetacentric chromosomes in metaphase?

During the mitosis and meiosis phases, the submetacentric chromosomes assume an ‘L’ shaped structure in the metaphase stage. When the metaphase chromosomes are observed under the microscope, this type of chromosome can be distinguished easily from the others.