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What is Mackintosh probe test for?

What is Mackintosh probe test for?

Mackintosh Probe is a tool used for research purposes especially for soil investigation. Mackintosh Probe test is carried out to determine the bearing capacity which is the strength of the soil. The result obtain from the test provides a rough estimation of the soil layer at a point.

What is the difference between Mackintosh probe and JKR probe?

The difference between Mackintosh probe and JKR probe is the angle of the cone, where the Mackintosh probe have 60o angle cone and the JKR probe, with 300 angle cone. According to [1], although this test is considered as a classic method, but it still used in soil investigation for the any construction.

What is borehole soil investigation?

Rotary drilling is used to form a deep observation borehole or for obtaining representative samples of rock which could not be recovered using cable percussion. The drilling method involves a powered rotary cutting head on the end of a shaft, which is driven into the ground as it rotates.

What is plate load test?

The plate load test basically consists of loading a steel plate placed at the level where the actual load is to be applied, and recording the deformation (settlement) corresponding to successive load increments. From: Soil Improvement and Ground Modification Methods, 2015.

What is soil investigation?

Soil investigation, also called geo-technical investigation, represents a method of determining physical properties of soil at a construction site. This procedure is done with the aim of establishing whether soil is safe and solid for construction.

What is soil bearing capacity?

Bearing capacity is the maximum stress or pressure that a footing can sustain without failure of the soil or rock that is supporting the footing.

What is N value SPT?

The SPT (N) value provides information regarding the soil strength. SPT (N) value in sandy soils indicates the friction angle in sandy soils and in clay soils indicates the stiffness of the clay stratum.

What is K value in plate load test?

In foundation design, as distinct from pavement design, the value of K is the secant modulus of the graph over the estimated working range of bearing s pressure (p’) as indicated in Figure 2. The standard penetration test is the most popular dynamic test to determine soil resistance parameters.

What are the types of soil investigation?

Top 5 Methods Used in Soil Exploration | Soil Engineering

  • Method # 1. Tests Pits:
  • Method # 2. Auger Boring:
  • Method # 3. Wash Boring:
  • Method # 4. Percussion Drilling:
  • Method # 5. Rotary Boring or Drilling:

What is the minimum safe bearing capacity of soil?

Safe Bearing Capacity values of Different Soils

S.No Type of Soil Safe Bearing Capacity ( kN/m2)
Cohesive Soils
1. Soft shale, hard or stiff clay in a deep bed, dry state 440
2. Medium clay readily indented with a thumbnail 245
3. Moist clay and Sand clay mixture which can be indented by thumb pressure 150