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What is laryngeal pachydermia?

What is laryngeal pachydermia?

Pachyderma literally means “elephant skin.” Used in laryngology to refer to rough or thick mucosa. Most often seen in the interarytenoid area and is thought to be indicative of acid reflux or, sometimes, chronic bacterial infection.

What causes Arytenoid edema?

Arytenoid edema is a well-described complication of radiotherapy treatment of vocal fold and other head and neck cancers. Arytenoid edema also can be caused by infection, surgical trauma, nasogastric tube, and gastroesophageal reflux. Although uncommon, arytenoid edema after thyroplasty occurs.

What is erythema of the Arytenoids?

Erythema of the mucosa over the arytenoid cartilages is a common finding during laryngoscopy often related to chronic inflammatory changes, especially the laryngopharyngeal reflux.

What is Interarytenoid Oedema?

Edema of the interarytenoid mucosa was defined as present when the interarytenoid mucosa was more than one and a half times as thick as normal interarytenoid mucosa (Fig. 1D). Vocal fold granuloma was defined as present when the vocal fold had 1 nodule that was >2 mm in diameter (figure not shown).

Does LPR cause cobblestone throat?

Above the larynx, signs of LPR include halitosis, dished-out dental erosions and pharyngeal ‘cobblestoning’.

What causes Laryngospasms?

What Causes Laryngospasm? Laryngospasm may be associated with different triggers, such as asthma, allergies, exercise, irritants (smoke, dust, fumes), stress, anxiety or commonly gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.

How do you treat a swollen Arytenoid?

In the acute inflammatory stage, arytenoid chondritis cases should be treated aggressively with intravenous antimicrobials and anti-inflammatories. A tracheotomy may need to be performed if the obstruction is severe. A tracheotomy allows the upper airway to “rest” since airflow will be diverted.

Is laryngomalacia serious?

In most cases, laryngomalacia in infants is not a serious condition — they have noisy breathing, but are able to eat and grow. For these infants, laryngomalacia will resolve without surgery by the time they are 18 to 20 months old.

What is erythema caused by?

Erythema is a type of skin rash caused by injured or inflamed blood capillaries. It usually occurs in response to a drug, disease or infection. Rash severity ranges from mild to life threatening.

Where are your arytenoids?

The arytenoid cartilage is located on the dorsal (back) side of the larynx above the cricoid lamina, a signet ring-shaped cartilage that lies near the bottom of the larynx.

Is Laryngopharyngeal reflux serious?

Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is one of the most common and important disorders of upper airway inflammation. It causes significant impairment to quality of life, and can predict serious laryngeal and oesophageal pathology, yet it remains under-diagnosed and under-treated.

What does Interarytenoid mean?

The interarytenoid fold is a small ligament in the posterior larynx. Interarytenoid fold. The entrance to the larynx.