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What is kemetic language?

What is kemetic language?

Kemet – the World’s First Civilization About 10,000 years ago the ancient KEMITES began to draw pictures to represent different objects, such as a house or a table. Later they began to use symbols to represent ideas, such as life or beauty. The language was called MEDU NETER, which means divine speech.

What is the kemetic word for God?

“Netjer” (net-CHUR, net-JAIR) is the Kemetic term for God. It is normally used in reference to the Self-Created One — the source of godhead from which the Names (the Many gods and goddesses) spring forth. You may see Netjer referred to as both Netjer and God in Kemetic Orthodoxy.

Is Egyptian script deciphered?

The ancient Egyptians’ language had archaeologists baffled until the hieroglyphs were carefully deciphered using the Rosetta Stone. The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb wouldn’t happen for another century but in 1821 in Piccadilly, London, an exhibition about ancient Egypt opened.

Who is the founder of Kemet?

Tamara Siuda
It was founded in 1988 by Tamara Siuda, who remains its current Nisut or Pharaoh.

What is kemetic spirituality?

The Kemetic Orthodox Religion is a polytheism, meaning that it recognizes many gods and goddesses. In addition, it is a special type of polytheism, called a monolatry. Monolatry is a different concept than monotheism, where it is believed God manifests in one form and one form only.

Who is the god of Kemet?

Followers of Kemetism generally worship a few gods (Maat, Bastet, Anubis, Sekhmet or Thoth, among others), but recognize the existence of every god. This worship generally takes the form of prayer and setting up altars, but there are no set guidelines for worship.

Who is Jesus in Kemet?

In texts which address an African genesis of Christian thought, Christian deities are related to Kemetic deities: Jesus, the son of God, is translated as Heru; God, the father is translated as Asar; and Mary, the mother of Jesus, is translated as Aset.

Can Google translate hieroglyphics?

Google has launched a hieroglyphics translator that uses machine learning to decode ancient Egyptian language. The feature has been added to its Arts & Culture app. It also allows users to translate their own words and emojis into shareable hieroglyphs.

How do you read Egyptian language?

Hieroglyphs can actually be read in almost any direction: left to right, right to left, and top to bottom. To determine how to read a specific set of glyphs, start by locating a glyph with a head. If the head is facing to the left, start reading from the left and work you way towards the head.

Why was Egypt called Kemet?

The Egyptians called their country Kemet, literally the “Black Land” (kem meant “black” in ancient Egyptian). The name derived from the colour of the rich and fertile black soil which was due to the annually occurring Nile inundation. So Kemet was the cultivated area along the Nile valley.

What is Kemet spirituality?

Kemetic Orthodoxy is a new religious movement based on Kemeticism, which is a reconstruction of ancient Egyptian religion. It was founded in 1988 by Tamara Siuda, who remains its current Nisut or Pharaoh. Despite its name, Siuda considers Kemetic Orthodoxy to be a cultic religion rather than a revealed religion.