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What is Islam in Afghanistan?

What is Islam in Afghanistan?

The Afghan government is established as a Sunni Islamic Republic. Therefore, there is a strong societal pressure to adhere to Sunni Islamic traditions.

Why is Islam so popular in Afghanistan?

Islam in Afghanistan began to be practiced after the Arab Islamic conquest of Afghanistan from the 7th to the 10th centuries, with the last holdouts to conversion submitting in the late 19th century. Islam is the official state religion of Afghanistan, with approximately 99.7% of the Afghan population being Muslim.

Is Afghanistan important in Islam?

Afghanistan is considered one of the “most Islamic” countries in the world if one appreciates the extent to which Islam underpins many of the customs and tribal codes that condition numerous aspects of political and social life in the country.

What is the role of Islam in Afghanistan?

For Afghans, Islam represents a potentially unifying symbolic system which offsets the divisiveness that frequently rises from the existence of a deep pride in tribal loyalties and an abounding sense of personal and family honor found in multitribal and multiethnic societies such as Afghanistan.

How did Islam grow even larger in Afghanistan?

For Afghanistan people, Islam is their code of conduct, it literally became their law and source of rule in their daily life. And that’s how Islam grow even larger in Afghanistan, since it is in accordance with their culture, needs, and Islamic guidance are suitable to be applied in their everyday life.

What is the current state of Islam in Afghanistan?

As reported that recently almost 99% of the people in Afghanistan are practicing Islam and they were divided into 2 different Mazhab. About 80-85% are Sunni and 15-20% are Shiah. Time before Islam arrived in Afghanistan, the country has been a long story of Buddhist civilization.

What is the education system like in Afghanistan?

Almost every Afghan has at one time during his youth studied at a mosque school; for many this is the only formal education they receive.