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What is free-running in psychology?

What is free-running in psychology?

a cycle of behavior or physiological activity that occurs if external stimuli do not provide entrainment.

Are circadian rhythms free-running?

Free running rhythm refers to the circadian rhythm assumed by an individual when their sleep is not guided by external cues. In other words, it is the cycle of sleeping and waking that a person’s body naturally adopts when there are no external time cues such as light or waking-sleeping activities present.

What is free-running rhythms?

Free-running rhythms are characterized by a consistent delay in the timing of the circadian cycle by as much as 60 to 70 minutes per day and can be detected by measurement at regular intervals of a marker rhythm, such as the daily rise in the plasma melatonin concentration.

What does it mean for a circadian rhythm to be entrained by light?

Entrainment is the synchronization or alignment of the internal biological clock rhythm, including its phase and period, to external time cues, such as the natural dark-light cycle.

What is entrainment in psychology?

Entrainment is an important characteristic of interactions between brain rhythms and refers to the coupling of two independent oscillatory systems in such a way that their periods of oscillation become related by virtue of phase alignment (Cummins, 2009). From: Progress in Brain Research, 2017.

What is a free running circadian rhythm quizlet?

Free-Running period. The persistence of biological rhythms in the absence of an environmental cue. Temperature compensation. Property of circadian clock whereby fluctuations in temperature do not change the free running or endogenous period.

What is free running time?

Free-Running Period (FRP): The length of time it takes for an organism’s endogenous rhythm to repeat (return to the same phase) in the absence of environmental time cues.

What is a free running period?

Which are the two types of behavioral entrainment?

There are two general modes of entrainment: phasic and continuous. The phasic mode is when there is limited interaction with the environment to “reset” the clock every day by the amount equal to the “error”, which is the difference between the environmental cycle and the organism’s circadian rhythm.

What are examples of entrainment?

An oak leaf flitting through the air on a breezy fall day doesn’t move faster or slower than the wind pushing it along. It flies at the same speed as the wind gusts. This is a basic example of entrainment in nature.

Why are EEG waves larger when brain activity decreases?

stages 3 and 4. EEG waves are larger when brain activity decreases because: a. the EEG measures muscle tension, which also decreases.

Does bright light in the afternoon shortens the circadian rhythm?

Bright light late in the afternoon shortens the circadian rhythm. The mean preferred time of going to sleep gets later and later until about age 20 and then starts a gradual reversal.