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What is forward and reverse zone files in DNS?

What is forward and reverse zone files in DNS?

Forward Lookup Zones—Forward Lookup Zones allow the DNS Server to resolve queries where the client sends a name to the DNS Server to request the IP address of the requested host. Reverse Lookup Zones—Reverse DNS zones perform the opposite task as Forward Lookup Zones.

How do I reverse DNS records?

How to Setup Reverse DNS

  1. Contact your IP provider to request your IP’s reverse DNS zone.
  2. Then request delegation of your reverse DNS to DNS Made Easy name servers where you are provided with your reverse DNS domain.
  3. Create your reverse DNS domain in DNS Made Easy.
  4. Create a PTR record within your reverse DNS domain.

What is DNS reverse zone?

As mentioned earlier, a reverse lookup zone is an authoritative DNS zone that is used primarily to resolve IP addresses to network resource names. This zone type can be primary, secondary, or Active Directory—integrated.

What is reverse DNS good for?

Reverse DNS is mainly used to track the origin of a website visitor, the origin of an e-mail message, etc. It is usually not as critical as the classic DNS, visitors will reach the website even without the presence of reverse DNS for the IP of the web server or the IP of the visitor.

What is the difference between forward and reverse DNS lookups?

Forward DNS lookup is using an Internet domain name to find an IP address. Reverse DNS lookup is using an Internet IP address to find a domain name.

Is reverse lookup zone necessary?

Do You Really Need Reverse Lookup Zones and PTR Records? Every network is different so it depends. Unless you host your own email server or have an application that requires it may not be required.

How do I create a forward and reverse DNS record?

Create a reverse DNS record

  1. Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.
  2. In the top navigation bar, click Select a Product > Rackspace Cloud.
  3. Select Servers, then click the link for your Cloud Server from your Servers List.
  4. On the Server Details screen, click Add Record next to the Reverse DNS.
  5. In the Add Record pop-up window:

What is DNS zone example?

DNS zones are not necessarily physically separated from one another, zones are strictly used for delegating control. For example, imagine a hypothetical zone for the domain and three of its subdomains:,, and

What is the difference between forward and reverse DNS lookup?

What is a PTR record used for?

A DNS pointer record (PTR for short) provides the domain name associated with an IP address. A DNS PTR record is exactly the opposite of the ‘A’ record, which provides the IP address associated with a domain name. DNS PTR records are used in reverse DNS lookups.

What is a TXT record in DNS?

TXT records are a type of Domain Name System (DNS) record that contains text information for sources outside of your domain. You add these records to your domain settings. You can use TXT records for various purposes. Google uses them to verify domain ownership and to ensure email security.

How do I create a reverse PTR record?

Create the PTR Recrod Add a new PTR record and for the name, enter the final digit of the IP address that you’re setting up the reverse record for. In our example, 100. For the Canonical Hostname, enter the domain name you’d like the IP address to resolve to, for instance