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What is equating method?

What is equating method?

In item response theory, equating is the process of placing scores from two or more parallel test forms onto a common score scale. The result is that scores from two different test forms can be compared directly, or treated as though they came from the same test form.

What is an item response theory model?

The item response theory (IRT), also known as the latent response theory refers to a family of mathematical models that attempt to explain the relationship between latent traits (unobservable characteristic or attribute) and their manifestations (i.e. observed outcomes, responses or performance).

What is item response theory in educational assessment?

Item response theory (IRT) was first proposed in the field of psychometrics for the purpose of ability assessment. It is widely used in education to calibrate and evaluate items in tests, questionnaires, and other instruments and to score subjects on their abilities, attitudes, or other latent traits.

How do you conduct an item response theory?

Although not exhaustive, the general steps involved in an IRT analysis include (1) clarifying the purpose of a study, (2) considering relevant models, (3) conducting a preliminary data inspection, (4) evaluating model assumptions and testing competing models, and (5) evaluating and interpreting results.

What is the theory and practice of Item Response Theory?

The theory and practice of item response theory is an applied book that is practitioner oriented. It provides a thorough explanation of both unideminsional and multidimensional IRT models, highlighting each model’s conceptual development, and assumptions. It then proceeds to demonstrate the underlying principles of the model through vivid examples.

What is the unit of analysis in IRT?

As the unit of analysis is the item in IRT, the location of the item (difficulty) can be standardized (undergo linear transformation) across populations and thus items can be easily compared.

What is the purpose of the book IRT?

The book is an introductory book that addresses IRT assumptions, parameters and requirements and then proceeds to explain how results can be described in reports and how researchers should consider the context of test administration, respondent population and the effective use of scores. Ayala RJd.

What is the difference between classical test theory and IRT?

Therefore, its main purpose focuses on establishing the individual’s position on that continuum. Classical Test Theory [Spearman, 1904, Novick, 1966]focuses on the same objective and before the conceptualization of IRT; it was (and still being) used to predict an individual’s latent trait based on an observed total score on an instrument.