What is dural thickening?
Hypertrophic pachymeningitis is a rare form of diffuse inflammatory disease that causes thickening of the dura mater. It can involve the cranial or the spinal dura or both.
What causes thickening of the dura mater?
Localized or diffuse thickening of the dura mater may be seen in hypertrophic pachymeningitis that may be associated with rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis, Wegener’s granulomatosis, tuberculosis, and cancer [22–26].
What causes inflammation of the dura?
Inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, known collectively as the meninges, may develop in response to a number of causes, most prominently bacteria and viruses, but also fungi, parasites, radiation, or neoplasm.
What is the dura of the brain?
Your dura mater is the outer, thick, strong membrane layer located directly under your skull and vertebral column. In Latin, dura mater means “hard mother.” It consists of two layers of connective tissue. One side of your dura attaches to your skull and the other adheres to your middle membrane layer (arachnoid mater).
What is dura?
Introduction. The dura mater often gets referred to as merely the dura. It is one of the layers of connective tissue that make up the meninges of the brain (pia, arachnoid, and dura, from inside to outside). It is the outermost layer of the three meninges that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
What does dural enhancement mean on MRI?
Diffuse Dural Enhancement (DDE) is a finding on MRI scan of the brain. There is a white “high signal” ring around the brain corresponding to the location of the dura. It is usually detected using gadolinium, but a FLAIR imaging can also be used. ( Tosaka et al, 2008)
What is responsible for the thickening of the brain?
Pachymeningitis is a rare inflammatory disorder that leads to thickening of the dura mater, the outermost of three layers forming the meninges, which provide protection and support to the brain and spinal cord.
What is dural disease?
Dural metastases are uncommon in cancer patients, but can have as much of an effect on the lives of patients as brain metastases. Dural metastases are most commonly associated with primary cancers of the breast, prostate, and lung, and it is rare that the primary site of the tumor is unknown.
Does dura have pain?
In this observational study, we confirmed that dura of the skull base and dura of the falx cerebri are sensitive to pain and that their mechanical stimulation induced pain mainly referred in the sensory territories of the V1 and V3 divisions of the trigeminal nerve.
What does dura mean in medical terms?
Dura: The outermost, toughest, and most fibrous of the three membranes (meninges) covering the brain and the spinal cord. Dura is short for dura mater (from the Latin for hard mother). Also called the pachymeninx (singular) or pachymeniges (plural). Epidural means outside the dura.
What is dura repair?
Dural tears are repaired using microsurgical techniques – using a microscope and a fine needle. Small dural tears are sutured or stapled close, while larger ones are reconstructed with a patch or graft. Fat or fibrin glue may be used as a sealant to reinforce the repair.
What is dura in spine?
The dura mater, sometimes called the dura, is the outermost layer of the meninges. The dura is normally a tough connective tissue. The CSF is contained within the subarachnoid space, between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater layers.
What causes thickening of the dura?
Thickening Dura. A thickened dura can be caused by many conditions including inflammatory/infective conditions (tuberculous meningitis, sarcoidosis, lyme disease, syphilis), neoplastic disorders (carcinomatous meningitis, meningioma en plaque), collagen vascular disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, Wegener’s granulomatosis,…
Is dura thickening associated with mild cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease?
We found relatively high prevalence of dural thickening in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Keywords: dura, dural thickness, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, FLAIR
How is the thickness of the dura mater defined?
Dural thickness was defined by a linear strip of hyperintense tissue signal along the dura mater observed in at least two different images without evidence of leptomeningeal involvement. Results
What is dura-arachnoid enhancement?
Pachymeningeal enhancement, also known as dura-arachnoid enhancement 4, refers to a dural and outer layer of arachnoid pattern of enhancement seen following contrast administration and may occur in the conditions listed below: infection intracranial tumor metastases intracranial hypotension postoperative states idiopathic pachymeningitis