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What is drug induced hepatitis?

What is drug induced hepatitis?

Drug-induced hepatitis is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the liver that is caused by a harmful (toxic) amount of certain medicines. The liver helps to break down certain medicines in your blood. If there is too much medicine in your blood for your liver to break down, your liver can become badly damaged.

What are the clinical manifestations of drug induced liver injury?

The majority of cases of DILI are acute illnesses that resolve quickly after the offending medication is stopped. The clinical symptoms are similar to other forms of hepatitis or cholestasis where fatigue, nausea, malaise, pruritus, and jaundice predominate.

How is drug induced liver injury diagnosed?

In cases of mixed injury, liver biopsy shows prominent hepatocyte necrosis and inflammation accompanied by marked bile stasis. Symptoms may include both fatigue and itching, and laboratory tests show similar elevations in serum ALT and alkaline phosphatase.

What antibiotics cause drug induced hepatitis?

In the case of the penicillins, the combination amoxycillin-clavulanate and the penicillinase-resistant penicillins oxacillin, (di-)cloxacillin, and flucloxacillin can cause (mainly cholestatic) hepatitis.

What is drug-induced?

drug-induced in the Pharmaceutical Industry A drug-induced state or reaction is provoked by a drug. Narcotic overdoses cause a number of drug-induced deaths. Psychosis brought on by drug use is called drug-induced psychosis. A drug-induced state or reaction is provoked by a drug. drug.

What is the pathophysiology of the drug-induced liver injury?

The pathogenesis of drug-induced liver injury usually involves the participation of a toxic drug or metabolite that either elicits an immune response or directly affects the biochemistry of the cell. In either case, the resultant cell death is the event that leads to the clinical manifestation of hepatitis [2, 6].

What are signs of hepatotoxicity?

Symptoms of hepatotoxicity can include rash, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, dark-colored urine, light-colored bowel movements, jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), loss of appetite, and fever.

Which drugs are hepatotoxic?

The 10 most frequently implicated drugs were: amoxicillin-clavulanate, flucloxacillin, erythromycin, diclofenac, sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim, isoniazid, disulfiram, Ibuprofen and flutamide [12,13,14,21].

Which drug class is associated with the highest incidence of drug-induced liver failure?

In the United States, antibiotics and antiepileptic drugs are the most common drug classes associated with DILI, but HDS are on the rise as a cause. Management of DILI involves the removal of the offending agent and the use of N-acetylcysteine for acetaminophen-induced liver injury.

How is drug-induced hepatitis treated?

The only specific treatment for most cases of liver damage caused by taking a drug is to stop taking the drug that caused the problem. However, if you took high doses of acetaminophen, you should get treated for liver injury in the emergency department or other acute treatment setting as soon as possible.

Which antibiotics are most hepatotoxic?