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What is comfrey ointment used for?

What is comfrey ointment used for?

Comfrey ointments have been used to heal bruises as well as pulled muscles and ligaments, fractures, sprains, strains, and osteoarthritis. In the past, comfrey was also used to treat stomach problems. However, it has toxic substances called pyrrolizidine alkaloids that damage the liver and can lead to death.

Is comfrey cream good for face?

Comfrey is considered to be an essential anti-aging ingredient, because it contains both allantoin and rosmarinic acid. Allantoin promotes the growth of new skin cells and rosmarinic acid acts as a painkiller and reduces inflammation. Comfrey softens skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Is comfrey cream good for pain?

Early research shows that applying comfrey ointment to the affected area for up to 2 weeks improves mobility, decreases pain, and reduces tenderness and swelling of sprains. The effect of comfrey ointment in relieving pain and reducing swelling seems to be comparable to the effects of diclofenac gel.

Is comfrey oil good for hair?

Comfrey is helpful for hair growth because it has gamma linoleic acid, a omega-6 fatty acid, that helps stimulate skin and hair growth, which is why many cosmetic companies use comfrey.

How long can you use comfrey cream for?

Dosage and Preparation Applied to the knee three times a day for three to six weeks. For sprains: An ointment containing 35% comfrey extract. Applied to ankle sprains four times daily for eight days.

Is comfrey good for arthritis pain?

Comfrey herb has also been shown to be efficacious in wound healing. Comfrey root has also proven to be efficacious in activated osteoarthritis, and equivalent or more efficacious in distortions compared with topical diclofenac.

How do you use comfrey for back pain?

Extract of comfrey root can be used to quickly and effectively relieve chronic back pain, latest study results suggest. German researchers studied 120 people with upper and lower back pain. Half used an ointment containing extract of comfrey root – 4g applied three to five times a day – and the rest used a placebo.

Does comfrey grow hair?

It is the backbone of the soothing and anti-inflammatory component of comfrey and actually makes hair softer. Comfrey is helpful for hair growth because it has gamma linoleic acid, a omega-6 fatty acid, that helps stimulate skin and hair growth, which is why many cosmetic companies use comfrey.

Is comfrey a medicinal plant?

Comfrey has a long history of use as a topical agent for treating wounds, skin ulcers, thrombophlebitis, bruises, and sprains and strains. Comfrey has anti-inflammatory properties that may decrease bruising and help heal wounds when the herb is applied topically.