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What is client-server architecture protocol?

What is client-server architecture protocol?

A communications protocol that provides a structure for requests between client and server in a network. For example, the Web browser in the user’s computer (the client) employs the HTTP protocol to request information from a website on a server. See HTTP, TCP/IP and OSI model.

What type of architecture is client-server?

Client-Server Architecture is a distributed system architecture where the workload of client server are separated. Clients are those who request for the services or resources and Server means the resource provider. The server host several programs at its end for sharing resources to its clients whenever requested.

What are examples of client-server architecture?

Examples of Client-Server Architecture For example, cloud services for Microsoft Office and Google docs will be accessed from your devices, and files that you save from the computer will be accessed from your phone. In this way, file stores will be centralized and accessed by multiple clients.

What are the components of client-server architecture?

The three major components in the client-server model: presentation, application logic, and data storage.

What are the advantages of client-server architecture?

A) Advantages Of Client Server Architecture The model is efficient in delivering resources to the client and also requires low-cost maintenance. It is easy to manage, and the data can be easily delivered to the client. As the data is centralized, this system is more secure and serves added security to the data.

What is an example of a client-server network?

Common examples of client-server networks include DNS (Domain Name Systems), web browsers and web servers, and FTP (file transfer protocol) clients. Most people experience client-server networking daily using computers, smartphones, and tablets connected to the Internet.

Why client-server architecture is used?

The client-server architecture is most useful for applications that require a separation or abstraction of concerns between the client and the server; it is meant for systems with high interoperability. The client-server architectural style helps applications improve performance in scalability.

Where is client-server architecture used?

Typically, client server architecture is arranged in a way that clients are often situated at workstations or on personal computers, while servers are located elsewhere on the network, usually on more powerful machines. Such a model is especially beneficial when the clients and server perform routine tasks.

What are the characteristics of client-server architecture?

Characteristics of Client Server Computing The client and server should follow a common communication protocol so they can easily interact with each other. All the communication protocols are available at the application layer. A server can only accommodate a limited number of client requests at a time.

What are 3 characteristics of a client-server network?

How many types of client-server networks are there?

There are four main categories of client-server computing: One-Tier architecture: consists of a simple program running on a single computer without requiring access to the network.

What is a client-server network diagram?

Client-server model is a distributed application structure that partitions tasks or workloads between the providers of a resource or service, called servers, and service requesters, called clients.