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What is category potent potables?

What is category potent potables?

Potent potables may refer to: Alcoholic beverages. A recurring category on the game show Jeopardy! and on the Saturday Night Live skit Celebrity Jeopardy!

What is the Jeopardy category potent potables?

What is the meaning of “potent potables”? “Potent potables” is used to refer to alcoholic beverages. On the one hand, “potent” means strong. On the other hand, the word “potable” is used to refer to fluids that we can drink.

What is Jeopardy potpourri?

On “Jeopardy,” it means “ These are a bunch of unrelated leftover questions that nobody picked on previous shows. We’re recycling them by putting them together as “Potpourri” (or “Hodgepodge” or “Odds and Ends”).

What are some good Jeopardy categories?

round and Double Jeopardy!

  • #1) Before & After.
  • #2) Science.
  • #3) Literature.
  • #4) American History.
  • #5) Potpourri.
  • #6) World History.
  • #7) Word Origins.
  • #8) Colleges & Universities.

What is the hodgepodge category on Jeopardy?

Also called HODGEPODGE or GOULASH, this is a variety of unrelated topics in the same category; it almost always appears in the last (rightmost) column on the board. A popular variant is LEFTOVERS, which consists of clues that were not used in previous games because time ran out.

What is the most common category on Jeopardy?

The top-10 categories, in order, are: “Stupid Answers,” “Nature,” “Hodgepodge,” “4-Letter Words,” “Common Bonds,” “Pop Music,” “Potent Potables,” “Sports,” “Food & Drink,” “Fruits & Vegetables.”

What are some good trivia questions?

General trivia questions and answers

  • Who, in 1903, was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
  • What year did the Berlin wall fall?
  • What is the more popular name for the portrait officially titled “La Gioconda,” painted in 1503?
  • What element does the chemical symbol Au stand for?

What is the most recurring category on Jeopardy?

Has Jeopardy ever had a repeat question?

The iconic game show actually does occasionally repeat questions. Even though human knowledge is constantly expanding and new trivia facts are devised all the time, Jeopardy! sometimes chooses to fall back upon previously used questions instead of coming up with entirely new ones.

What is the most asked question on Jeopardy?

The most common Jeopardy response is “What is China?” In Double Jeopardy, it is “What is Australia?” The most common category in Final Jeopardy! is “Word Origins.”

What is the hardest general knowledge question?

40 of the hardest general knowledge quiz questions:

  • What is Prince William’s full name?
  • What’s the name of the Coco Pops mascot?
  • What year did Vincent Van Gogh die?
  • Switzerland is made up of how many cantons?
  • Which political figure became Baronness of Kesteven?
  • Who designed the Eiffel Tower?

What does “Potent Potables” mean?

“Potent potables” is used to refer to alcoholic beverages. On the one hand, “potent” means strong. On the other hand, the word “potable” is used to refer to fluids that we can drink.

What are “potent potables” on Jeopardy?

On a side note, “potent potables” also became a category in the Saturday Night Live skit “Celebrity Jeopardy!,” which parodies the original “Jeopardy!.” The idea of the skit is that you have a bunch of celebrities playing “Jeopardy!” against one another, and all these celebrities are portrayed as having a below-average IQ.

Should TV shows use “potent potables” instead of “alcoholic beverages”?

I’d argue that using “potent potables” instead of “alcoholic beverages” makes the category sound more family-friendly, which is something that matters when you consider that the show is airing on TV and can be viewed by children across the United States.

Why is alcohol called potable fluid on Jeopardy?

However, on “Jeopardy!,” it is used as a euphemism for alcohol, and that makes sense when you consider that alcohol is a drinkable, potable fluid that can have a strong, potent effect on the drinker. Even in other languages, “potable” is used to indicate drinkability.