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What is calcification in the shoulder?

What is calcification in the shoulder?

Calcific tendonitis of the shoulder happens when calcium deposits form on the tendons of your shoulder. The tissues around the deposit can become inflamed, causing a great deal of shoulder pain. This condition is fairly common although the cause is unknown and not related to injury, diet or osteoporosis.

How do you treat calcification in the shoulder?

The acute inflammation can be treated with localized ice packs and rest in a sling, but oral anti-inflammatory medications are also helpful. A cortisone injection directly into the area of the calcium deposit may give relief within a few hours.

Does calcification in shoulder go away?

Calcific tendonitis can disappear on its own without any treatment. Ignoring the condition is not recommended, however, as it can lead to complications, such as rotator cuff tears and frozen shoulder. Once calcific tendonitis disappears, there is no evidence to suggest it will return.

Can calcification hurt muscles?

Calcific tendonitis develops when calcium deposits build up in your tendons or muscles. These deposits can become inflamed and cause pain.

Does exercise help calcific tendonitis?

Due to the different types of calcific tendonitis and because of the progressive stages of reactive calcific tendonitis, your pain level may vary. Physical Therapy can be very effective in decreasing the pain as well as the inflammation caused by this injury.

How do you break up a calcification?

Removing a calcium deposit on a tendon usually requires outpatient arthroscopic surgery. Your surgeon will insert an instrument called an arthroscope through a small cut. Then they’ll remove the calcium deposit and rinse the area. In rare cases, you may need open surgery to remove the calcium deposit.

Can Massage Help calcific tendonitis?

For people suffering from tendonitis, it can help with pain relief and speed up the recovery process. Since tendonitis can take weeks to heal, using a massage therapy program to both relax and strengthen the inflamed tendon can give the sufferer a better chance of a full and speedy recovery.

What is the best pain relief for calcific tendonitis?

Treating Calcific Tendonitis of the Shoulder

  • Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Rest.
  • Heat and/or ice.
  • Physical therapy to strengthen muscles.
  • A steroid (such as cortisone) shot directly into your shoulder—might be used to decrease inflammation and pain.

Can massage break up calcium deposits?

There are a few natural remedies you can try to treat calcium deposits on the skin: Massage. Although not necessarily recommended by medical professionals, many people claim that massaging the affected area with aloe vera gel or olive oil eliminates the calcium deposits over time.

Why is calcific tendonitis so painful at night?

This may be because the effects of gravity when laying down cause the muscles and tendons in the shoulder to settle in a slightly different position, decreasing blood flow to the area and aggravating the pain of tendon issues like tendonitis.