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What is atomize?

What is atomize?

Definition of atomize transitive verb. 1 : to treat as made up of many discrete units. 2 : to reduce to minute particles or to a fine spray. 3 : divide, fragment an atomized society also : to deprive of meaningful ties to others atomized individuals. 4 : to subject to attack by nuclear weapons.

What is an example of atomization?

For example, during the gas-atomization process, molten steel is atomized into fine metal droplets, which cool down during their fall in the atomizing tower. Metal powders obtained by gas atomization offer a perfectly spherical shape combined with a high cleanliness level.

What is the difference between atomization and vaporization?

Atomization means the breakup of liquid into fine particles while vaporization means a transition from the liquid phase to vapor.

What does atomizing water mean?

“Water Atomization Process” refers to a process that sprays and collides water at a high pressure of about 50-150 MPa against a molten metal melted at a high temperature to produce fine metal powder (atomized powder) at the micron level.

How do you atomize something?

Atomization refers to breaking bonds in some substance to obtain its constituent atoms in gas phase. By extension, it also means separating something into fine particles, for example: process of breaking bulk liquids into small droplets.

What is atomization in sociology?

In the scientific rendering of the word, atomism refers to the notion that all matter in the universe is composed of basic indivisible components, or atoms. When placed into the field of sociology, atomism assigns the individual as the basic unit of analysis for all implications of social life.

What is atomization effect?

The disintegration of liquid sheet or ligament into fine droplets in a gas phase is known as atomization. Basically, atomization is possible by disintegration of either a liquid jet or liquid sheet.

How do you atomize water?

A classic example of atomization occurring naturally involves pouring liquid from a pitcher. As you are pouring and gradually lift the pitcher higher, the stream of liquid elongates and breaks into droplets at some point. This breakup of a liquid stream is a simplistic example of atomization.

Why is fuel atomized?

The primary purpose of every fuel nozzle is to atomize the fuel into small droplets to speed up the mixing process of fuel and air.

What does atomistic mean in politics?

Thus, in sociology or political science, atomism may designate a theory to the effect that social processes and groups are by-products of the doings of social atoms. Individual people or their individual acts may be identified as these atoms.

What is atomistic family?

The atomistic family is the type in which the individual is very largely freed from the family; it is ” essentially the one found in societies where law and custom bring the individual, as far as possible, out from under the couvert, the manus, the potestas of the family and make him the agent of the government, the …

How do you atomize?

Atomization Sprays, Droplets, and Surface Tension As you are pouring and gradually lift the pitcher higher, the stream of liquid elongates and breaks into droplets at some point. This breakup of a liquid stream is a simplistic example of atomization.