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What is another word for pet project?

What is another word for pet project?

What is another word for pet project?

baby big idea
escapade feat
plunge engagement
effort experiment
caper exploration

What is pet project?

Pet-project definition A project, activity or goal pursued as a personal favorite, rather than because it is generally accepted as necessary or important. Don’t bother him about his pet project. You’ll never tear him away from it. noun.

What is the synonym of projects?

synonyms for project

  • activity.
  • business.
  • deal.
  • design.
  • enterprise.
  • job.
  • plan.
  • program.

What is another word for special projects?

What is another word for special project?

specialtyUS forte
redeeming quality redeeming feature
special subject upper hand
knack inclination
leaning arena

What is the meaning of pet subject?

adjective. Someone’s pet theory, project, or subject is one that they particularly support or like. He would not stand by and let his pet project be killed off.

How do you write a pet project?

10 Tips To Set Your Pet Project Up for Success

  1. Check your motivation. One of the most useful questions (maybe the most useful one) to ask yourself (or others) is why.
  2. Write down your objective.
  3. Consider alternatives.
  4. Set milestones.
  5. Gauge the commitment.
  6. Get unstuck and begin.
  7. Tell others.
  8. Do the work and maximise pay-off.

How do I make a pet project?

There’s a number of things you should remember when looking to start a pet project, especially if it is your first one.

  1. Research and plan first, code later.
  2. Set goals and deadlines.
  3. Try to solve real problems with your project.
  4. Focus on technologies companies you’re willing to work for are using.

What do you call a small project?

What is another word for project?

plan scheme
venture idea
operation proposal
undertaking campaign
job proposition

What do you call a group of projects?

A program is a group of projects that are managed together, to make the most of their interrelated status. For example, a construction company that is working on a new subdivision manages each house in the subdivision as a separate project.

What is another word for business plan?

Business plans go by many names: Strategic plans, operational plans, internal plans, Lean Plans, and many others.

What is another name for a project manager?

Project Leader: Just a different title for the project manager, with the same duties and responsibilities. Program Manager: Manages a program of projects or even several programs that are usually related.

What is pet theory?

adjective. Someone’s pet theory, project, or subject is one that they particularly support or like. He would not stand by and let his pet project be killed off. 3.