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What is another term for steward?

What is another term for steward?

(also flunkey or flunkie), lackey, menial, retainer, servant.

How do you use the word steward?

Steward sentence example

  1. The cafe manager knew how to steward the staff to give good service.
  2. The steward on the cruise ship made sure the passengers’ rooms were cleaned.
  3. The steward instructed the waiter to quickly pick up the orders from the chef.
  4. A new head butler was hired to steward the maids and cooks.

What does it mean to steward something?

1 : the office, duties, and obligations of a steward. 2 : the conducting, supervising, or managing of something especially : the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care stewardship of natural resources. Synonyms Good Stewardship Example Sentences Learn More About stewardship.

What is the meaning of steward in hotel?

A steward assists in keeping a restaurant, bar, or lounge clean and sanitary, assists in cleaning dishes and tends to customers’ needs. The steward may also perform basic administrative tasks, such as answering phones, taking reservations, and giving out basic information. Completely free trial, no card required.

What is the synonym of agent?

nounrepresentative to a foreign country. agent. consul. deputy. diplomat.

What are antonyms of steward?

What is the opposite of steward?

mismanage mishandle
bungle misgovern
maladminister misconduct
blunder confound
misrule fail

What are stewardship activities?

Stewardship in the broadest sense includes all of the activities that will be required to manage the potentially harmful contamination left on site after cessation of remediation efforts.

What is the noun of steward?

noun. /ˈstjuːəd/ /ˈstuːərd/ ​a person whose job is to take care of passengers on a ship, an aircraft or a train and who brings them meals, etc.

What is stewardship in business?

Stewardship means that those who are entrusted with wealth of any kind have an obligation to hand those assets down in better shape than they inherited them. It means being responsible beyond the individual or company, and in the long-term beyond one’s lifetime.

What are the two types of stewardship?

Stewardship of ecosystems includes taking action directly, donating money, and practicing stewardship on a daily basis. Direct action is things like cleaning up oil spills, whereas daily stewardship is more about your personal impact and political involvement.

What is F&B service steward?

Job DescriptionThe individual at work greets and seats the guests; takes down their orders; serves them with tableware, food, beverages, and accompaniments; finally clears the used dishes and settles the customer’s accounts as per the company’s policy.

How many types of stewardship are there?

There are three main types of ecological stewardship. A person can take action, donate money, and practice good stewardship on a daily basis. There are lots of active, short-term options for taking action, like helping clean up after an oil spill, volunteering for a tree planting organization, or many similar tasks.