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What is an Operculate in fungi?

What is an Operculate in fungi?

Some asci have a “lid” that can be seen under the microscope in both an opened and unopened state; this type of ascus is called operculate and the ascus lid is called an operculum. In the operculate ascomycetes, the spores are blown out through the opening.

What are Operculate and Inoperculate Discomycetes?

Many inoperculate discomycetes have specific relationships with plants and are found on the living or dead remains of only certain species. Some may cause plant disease, something operculate discomycetes never do. The lichenized discomycetes have neither an operculum nor an apical pore in their asci.

Why are there 8 Ascospores in an ascus?

Ascospores are formed in ascus under optimal conditions. Typically, a single ascus will contain eight ascospores (or octad). The eight spores are produced by meiosis followed by a mitotic division. Two meiotic divisions turn the original diploid zygote nucleus into four haploid ones.

How many species of ascomycota are there?

Ascomycota, with approximately 64 000 known species (Kirk et al. 2008), is the largest phylum of Fungi and one of the most diverse and ubiquitous phyla of eukaryotes.

What is difference between ascocarp and ascus?

Ascus is a spherical, cylindrical or dub-shaped structure in which fusion of haploid nuclei occurs during sexual reproduction, followed by reduction division and formation of usually eight haploid ascospores. While ascocarp is a general term for the fruiting body of an ascomycete fungus.

What is ascus in Ascomycota?

ascus, plural asci, a saclike structure produced by fungi of the phylum Ascomycota (sac fungi) in which sexually produced spores (ascospores), usually four or eight in number, are formed.

What is Plectomycetes?

Plectomycetes is an artificial group of Ascomycota and it originally contained all. Ascomycete fungi which produce their asci within a cleistothecium.

What is Apothecium in botany?

Definition of apothecium : a spore-bearing structure in many lichens and fungi consisting of a discoid or cupped body bearing asci on the exposed flat or concave surface.

What are three important ascomycetes?

Currently, three major classes account for all of the pathogenic members of Class Ascomycota: Saccharomycotina, Taphrinomycotina, and Pezizomycotina.

Which fungi belong to ascomycetes?

Ascomycota is a phylum of the kingdom Fungi that, together with the Basidiomycota, forms the subkingdom Dikarya. Its members are commonly known as the sac fungi or ascomycetes. It is the largest phylum of Fungi, with over 64,000 species.

What are ascocarp and Basidiocarp?

Ascocarp and Basidiocarp are two types of fruiting bodies of fungi. Fungal group Ascomycete produces ascocarps while another group called basidiomycete produces basidiocarps. Moreover, ascospores and basidiospores are the two spore types produced in those structures.

What is the difference between ascus and basidium?

The ascus is a sac-like structure that bears reproductive cells. These cells produce sexual spores. Basidium is a club-shaped structure having sexual cells that produce sexual spores. The sexual cells produced are called Ascospores.