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What is an Army AAA 234?

What is an Army AAA 234?

Form AAA 234 Individual Losing Assignment for Enlisted or Request for Orders RFO for Officers. Reassignment and Travel Election Worksheet.

What does AEA code D mean?

Once the FSTE is approved, the unit may apply the AEA code D for CD stabilization. If the Soldier’s YMAEAT for CD stabilization ends prior to DEROS, the Soldier’s DEROS remains unchanged.

What does AEA DT code R mean?

o Changes the definition of AEA code “R” to read, “CONUS soldiers in the following military occupational specialty (MOS): 75B, 75F, 75H, 71L and 74B, who have been awarded the PDSI for Standard Installation/Division Personnel System (SIDPERS)-3 training.

What is a DA 5118?

The DA 5118 is used to conduct the initial pre-reassignment screening to determine the soldier’s eligibility to comply. Disclosure of any personal information is voluntary, but failing to file will result in unnecessary delays in reassignment.

What does AEA DT N mean on my ERB?

Your AEA is N because you are deployed. Deployments and AEA codes do not “automatically” cancel school reservations in ATRRS. (In fact nothing ever happens automatically).

What is AEA Code W on ERB?

Army HRC on Twitter: “Changes to AEA code “W” (organizational stabilization) is now restricted to HRC input only.

What is a NGB Form 55?

• NGB Form 55 (National Guard – Certificate of Honorable Discharge) • NGB Form 56 (National Guard – Certificate of General Discharge) Dependent Parent of Deceased Veteran. • Proof of veteran’s death while on active duty or active duty for training.

What is a DA Form 4787?

DA Form 4787, Reassignment Processing, is a form used for gathering the personal information of a soldier who had received reassignment instructions. DA Form 4787 is used if the soldier is assigned to an overseas area.

What are status codes used for in the military?

The purpose of status codes is to inform recipients of the status of requisitions or customer asset reports and related transactions. AP2.16.2. Selected status codes are also used to provide status on or to reject Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Acountability Procedures (MILSTRAP) transactions (DLM 4000.25-2

Is there a review of the number of military duty statuses?

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services also recognized that the number of duty statuses posed numerous challenges and directed a review of all the duty statuses currently being used by the services and the department. The aim of the review was to develop a strategic plan that 134.

What are duty statuses?

Today’s duty statuses consti­ tute a complex network of different pays, allowances, and beneits—all linked to a budget’s bottom line.

Why are there different duty statuses for the guard and reserve?

As roles and missions changed, new duty statuses were created to codify a new mission for the guard and reserve or a new purpose of the duty to ensure that all reserve activities would fall within the appropriate status and purpose. As the individual changes were made, they likely made sense.