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What is a sponsor in 12 Steps?

What is a sponsor in 12 Steps?

Simply put, a sponsor is a sober man or woman who has been through the 12 Steps of recovery and can guide you through those same steps. A sponsor is your guide — a mentor in working the steps and living life sober.

Do you need a sponsor to work the 12 Steps?

Do You Need a Sponsor to Finish the Twelve Steps? In short – yes, you do need a sponsor. You can attempt to work through the steps on your own but doing so will not be effective.

What does a sponsor do in AA?

Sponsors are established members of the fellowship, who have been sober for a substantial period and have applied the principles of the AA programme to their own lives. They mentor other members, give advice and support, and assist them in completing the 12 steps (Chappel, 1994).

Why having a sponsor is important?

Sponsors can provide support help the person learn from their experience and get back on track. The development of a positive lasting relationship: Lasting relationships often result from sponsorship. These may be lifelong relationships that provide solid sources of ongoing support and encouragement.

What is a sponsor vs mentor?

A mentor could be anyone in a position with experience desired by a mentee who can offer advice and support. → A sponsor is a senior level staff member invested in a protégé’s career success.

What does a sponsor do for confirmation?

The primary role of a sponsor is to help in preparing the confirmation and vouch for the readiness and beliefs of the candidates. A sponsor will bring the candidate to the priest to be anointed. The sacrament of confirmation plays a vital role in creating a strong spiritual bond between the candidate and the sponsor.

Can you go to AA without a sponsor?

Having an AA sponsor is not required, but it is very advantageous. Sponsors are people in recovery who offer mentorship to facilitate recovery. By engaging with a sponsor, the person in recovery gains access to support and accountability, which would be hard to get elsewhere.

How can I find a sponsor?

They Have What You Want: How to Find a Sponsor in Recovery

  1. Attend 12-Step Meetings.
  2. Ask About Experience.
  3. Avoid Romantic Interests.
  4. Pay Attention.
  5. Make Sure They’re Available. Make a Plan.
  6. Choose a Trustworthy Person.
  7. Avoid Downers.

Do I really need a sponsor in AA?

Key Takeaways. Having an AA sponsor is not required, but it is very advantageous. Sponsors are people in recovery who offer mentorship to facilitate recovery. By engaging with a sponsor, the person in recovery gains access to support and accountability, which would be hard to get elsewhere.

How do you pick a sponsor?

What To Look For In a Sponsor

  1. Your sponsor should have experience.
  2. Watch how that person treats others.
  3. Consider what expectations you have for support, and find someone who can match those.
  4. Think about what is important to you in a sponsor.
  5. Look for someone who would not interest you romantically.

What is a sponsor relationship?

The sponsor/sponsee relationship is designed to build on that sense of community. It’s a close, connected partnership between someone who has experience with the program and someone who is new to recovery. Together, they work the program of recovery and keep one another on track.

What makes a great sponsor?

Competence: the sponsor must have the knowledge, and skills to fulfil the role. For example, suitable characteristics include strategic view, leadership, collaborative champion, and an understanding of the business case and the needs of the project’s client(s).