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What is a smart tummy tuck?

What is a smart tummy tuck?

Safer than traditional procedures, the SMART Tummy Tuck minimizes blood loss while optimizing comfort after the procedure. This state-of-the-art technique decreases post-op pain, limiting the need for narcotic medications, thus leaving a patient feeling more awake and energetic right after surgery.

What is the best tummy tuck procedure?

An extended tummy tuck may be the best option to address your concerns. Although it involves a longer incision, an extended tummy tuck removes excess, hanging skin from the front (upper and lower abdomen) and the flanks, as well as tightens the abdominal wall.

What is a MIDI tummy tuck?

Understanding a Mini Tummy Tuck Just like a full version, an incision is placed a few inches below the navel, allowing Dr. Ortiz to repair the lower muscles and remove the loose skin. Then, the skin is pulled tightly over the lower abdomen, eliminating signs of a lower belly pooch.

What is a floating tummy tuck?

The umbilical float tummy tuck incision is made at the base of the abdomen, just below the bikini line. Through this incision, your skin—and your belly button along with it—is detached from the abdominal wall.

What is 360 tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck 360 involves surgical excision of skin & fat on the front of the body with the closure line scar positioned so it can be hidden by undergarments and liposuction of the front, sides and back. Lipo 360 involves just circumferential liposuction.

How painful is a 360 tummy tuck?

In general, pain is mild to moderate after a tummy tuck. Rarely, pain or sensory abnormalities can persist for months or even years after the procedure. If your pain is severe or persistent, you should tell your healthcare provider.

What does your BMI need to be for a tummy tuck?

A BMI that is less than 30 is considered to be ideal for a tummy tuck procedure. Of course, you can still have the surgery even if you’re overweight and still get good results.

What is mini abdominoplasty?

A mini-tummy tuck is designed for a patient with limited skin laxity and excess relegated to well below the belly button. Liposuction and muscle tightening is similar to a full abdominoplasty. The incision for a mini tummy tuck can extend out to the hip and is made long enough to eliminate the excess skin.

What is the 360 Lipo?

Lipo 360 is a liposuction procedure that encompasses all areas of the midsection, covering 360 degrees around. The corresponding areas that are able to undergo treatment include the abdominals, both upper and lower, the obliques, and the mid- to lower back.

What does a tummy tuck scar look like after a year?

Tummy tuck scars after one year: The scar may be fully mature and will be noticeably flatter, thinner, lighter, and less noticeable. It will continue to fade. Tummy tuck scars after five years: The mature scar will have faded noticeably and may continue to fade somewhat over time.

Does tummy tuck remove back fat?

Like a regular tummy tuck, 3D tummy tuck surgery can be used to remove stubborn fat and loose skin on the abdomen. However, the 3D tummy tuck also addresses excess skin and fat on the hips, flanks, and lower back for a more complete transformation that can be enjoyed from any angle.