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What is a pesar?

What is a pesar?

noun. heartache [noun] (a feeling of) great sadness.

What does Pendeja mean?

Pendejo is a singular, masculine noun; the feminine form is pendeja. The word pendejo comes from a Latin root meaning “pubic hair.” In 16th-century Spain, pendejo was apparently first used to describe pubescent teens who thought they were adults—you know, because they had pubes.

What does Besame Coola mean?

1. ( informal) (imperative; second person singular) kiss me. Cierra los ojos y bésame. Close your eyes and kiss me.

Do I use subjunctive with a pesar de que?

It can be followed by either indicative or subjunctive, depending on whether the statement that follows “a pesar de que” is actually true or is merely possible. For example, “Vamos, a pesar de que llueve” – we’re going, in spite of the fat that it is raining. (In this sentence it is definitely raining.)

What does pesar mean in Farsi?

son (literally son)

What is the definition of enamorada?

a beloved one; lover. Word origin. C17: from Spanish enamorar to enamour.

What does Besa mean in English?

Besa (pledge of honor) is an Albanian cultural precept, usually translated as “faith” or “oath”, that means “to keep the promise” and “word of honor”.

Does tan pronto trigger subjunctive?

Some of the more frequent adverbial conjunctions which may take either the indicative or the subjunctive: cuando (when), hasta que (until), después de que (after), tan pronto como (as soon as), mientras (while).

What is the present subjunctive of venir?


Subject Pronouns Venir: Present Subjunctive Translation
yo venga I come
vengas you come
él/ella/usted venga he/she comes – you formal come
nosotros/as vengamos we come