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What is a muxe person?

What is a muxe person?

There is a unique group of people in southern Mexico’s Oaxaca state called “muxes.” According to a piece in Fusion, muxes are “a community of gay men who date heterosexual men while dressing as women, sometimes assuming traditional female roles within the family and society.” In the 1980s, a group of anthropologists …

Are muxes accepted?

The muxes face some limitations in the jobs they can access. Socially, it is not accepted for them to seek political offices or positions of popular representation. Many schools do not allow them to dress as women, so they drop out.

What is 3rd gender called?

Often called transgender by outsiders, Indian society and most hijras consider themselves to be third gender—neither male nor female, not transitioning.

What does muxe mean in Spanish?

nounplural noun muxe, plural noun muxes (in Mexico, especially Oaxaca) a person whose birth sex is male but who identifies as female or as neither male nor female.

How is MUXE pronounced?

noun, plural mu·xes [moo-sheys], mu·xe.

Where are the muxes located?

state of Oaxaca
Muxes, Mexico In Juchitán de Zaragoza, a small town on the Istmo de Tehuantepec in the state of Oaxaca, there remains a large population of Muxes who have been celebrated since pre-colonization times.

How is muxe pronounced?

How is a hijra born?

Typically, hijra are born with male genitalia, though some are intersex (born with hybrid male/female sex characteristics). Most hijras elect later in life to surgically remove the penis and testicles.

Why do hijras beg?

Many Indians view the Hijras as bringing good luck and warding off evil spirits. Yet because of widespread discrimination, the majority of Hijras are forced to beg for money since they are barred from most employment opportunities.

How long have MUXE been around?

It has been suggested that while the three-gender system predates Spanish colonization, the phenomenon of muxe dressing as women is fairly recent, beginning in the 1950s and gaining popularity until nearly all of the younger generation of muxe today are vestidas.

Where does the word MUXE come from?

“Muxe” is a Zapotec word derived from the Spanish “mujer,” or woman; it is reserved for males who, from boyhood, have felt themselves drawn to living as a woman, anticipating roles set out for them by the community.