What is a irrigated crop?
An Irrigation system requires a water source, a method to transport the water and a method to distribute the water to the soil. Irrigation is used to supplement water during dry periods, increase productivity of coarse soils (sandy), improve the crop quality of water-sensitive crops and reduce risk of crop loss.
What is the definition of irrigation in agriculture?
Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the soil through various systems of tubes, pumps, and sprays. Irrigation is usually used in areas where rainfall is irregular or dry times or drought is expected. There are many types of irrigation systems, in which water is supplied to the entire field uniformly.
What do you mean by irrigated?
a : to supply (land, crops, etc.) with water by artificial means irrigating the cotton plants irrigates 20 acres of farmland. b : to flush (a body part) with a stream of liquid irrigate the wound with saline solution the eye was irrigated following chemical exposure. 2 : to refresh as if by watering. intransitive verb.
How does irrigation affect crop production?
Irrigation affects the spatial distribution of agricultural production by allowing: (i) the growing of crops on land that was unable to sustain agriculture under rainfed conditions; (ii) the more intensive growing of existing crops; and (iii) the growing of alternative crops.
Why is it important to irrigate crops?
Why Irrigation is necessary. 1)Irrigation before ploughing the fields makes the soil soft due to which the ploughing of fields become easier. 2)Irrigation is necessary to maintain the moisture for the germination of seeds. 3)Irrigation is necessary for absorption of nutrient element by the plant from the soil.
When should crops be irrigated?
Irrigating fields prior to or just after planting can keep the planter moving and still meet the “plant into moisture” requirement if rainfall is lacking in your area. Late spring tillage and the delays in killing cover crops are two reasons we see drier than normal planting conditions in some fields.
Why do we irrigate crops?
Irrigation helps to grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of less than average rainfall. Irrigation also has other uses in crop production, including frost protection, suppressing weed growth in grain fields and preventing soil consolidation.
What is the meaning of irrigate fields?
To irrigate land means to supply it with water in order to help crops grow.
Why is irrigation important?
How important is the irrigation system in plant production?
Places that have sparse or seasonal rainfall could not sustain agriculture without irrigation. In areas that have irregular precipitation, irrigation improves crop growth and quality. By allowing farmers to grow crops on a consistent schedule, irrigation also creates more reliable food supplies.
How does irrigation improve productivity?
Irrigation allows for a more consistent food supply and higher productivity. Recent studies have shown increased CO2 sequestration, reduced N2O emissions and more efficient fertilizer use associated with irrigation.