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What is a good analogy for organelles?

What is a good analogy for organelles?

Below are some suggested analogies for city structures….

Cell Organelles City Analogies
Ribosomes Lumber or brick yard
Golgi Bodies Post Office or UPS
Chloroplasts Solar Energy Plants

What are some examples of a cell analogy?

Cells are Like Cars You can compare the windshield and windows to plasma membranes, since they protect the inside of the car from invaders like insects and dirt. Cars need power to drive, and this happens when fuel, converts to energy in the engine, much like mitochondria creating ATP.

What is the analogy of cell ribosomes?

An analogy for ribosomes is a factory. Ribosomes are like a factory because they produce protein for the cell. Ribosomes make protein for all cells. …

What are some real life examples of organelles?

Terms in this set (10)

  • Chloroplast. Windmill:
  • Ribosome. Factory:
  • Nucleus. IPhone:
  • Smooth ER. Pipeline:
  • Rough ER. Shipping company:
  • Intercellular Junctions. Nuts and Bolts:
  • Cilia and Flagella. Row Boats: Cilia.
  • Cytoskeleton. Mattress:

What cell organelle is like the doors house?

The cell membrane
The cell membrane regulates what goes into and out of the cell. In a house this is like the door.

What is an analogy for mitochondria?

Mitochondria is like a power plant of the cell, which produces energy to carry out various metabolic functions of the cell. If a cell is a car then mitochondrion is an engine, which provides energy to drive the car.

What is a mitochondria analogy for a house?

The mitochondria in a house would be a stove because it breaks down nutrients and turns them into energy. Stoves cook food for us. Lysosomes are like trash cans because they dispose of wast in the cell like how we use the trash can to dispose of garbage around the house.

What is the analogy of mitochondria?

Mitochondria are like the human digestive system because the digestive system breaks down food to supply the body with energy like the mitochondria breaks down food to supply the cell with energy.

What’s an analogy for cytoplasm?

The cytoplasm holds cell parts in place. The cytoplasm is like nails or glue because it holds things together.

What is another possible analogy that could be compared with the structure and function of a cell?

What is another possible analogy that could be compared with the structure and function of a cell? The structure and function of an airport control tower could be compared to the structure and function of a cell.

Which is the best analogy for a cell membrane?

The cell membrane is like a security guard, because the cell membrane controls what goes in and out of a cell like a security guard controls who goes in and out of the gate. 4. Cell Wall -Supports and protects the cell while still letting materials pass through it.

How are ribosomes like a school?

Ribosomes are like teachers in school. Ribosome helps to produce important proteins for a cell and teachers produce educated people. Mitochondrion is like a staff in the school. They act as a powerhouse organelles off the cell getting things done, and the staff do the same, making school run and function.

What are some examples of cell analogies?

Cell Analogies. A Cell is Like A City! A cell and a city are very similar. There are many similarities between a cell’s structure and a city. 1. Nucleus = City Hall: they are both the controlling forces in the cell/city. 2. Cytoplasm= Atmosphere: the main substance of the city/cell that takes up all the space.

What is a cell and its organelles?

A cell is made up of many organelles. A cell and it’s organelles can be compared to a shopping mall. Cell : Mall 3. The nucleus controls what goes on throughout the cell. The manager has to ok everything that goes on in a mall before it happens. Nucleus – Mall Manager

What is a cell like?

A Cell is Like A City! A cell and a city are very similar. There are many similarities between a cell’s structure and a city. 1. Nucleus = City Hall: they are both the controlling forces in the cell/city. 2. Cytoplasm = Atmosphere: the main substance of the city/cell that takes up all the space. It surrounds the buildings/organelles. 3.

How is the endoplasmic reticulum like the boarding gates of an airport?

The Endoplasmic Reticulum is like the boarding gates of an airport because… The boarding gates are full of people and lead them to their plane like the Endoplasmic Reticulum leads proteins and distributes them across the cell. because…. which are later used for the cell.